Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Meet the Expert: Bruker Daltonics

Four representatives from Bruker Daltonics will visit the GGN and be available to answer your questions about their career paths, employment opportunities at Bruker, and Bruker‘s products and solutions. Take this opportunity to network and learn more about this company.

  • Meet the Expert: Bruker Daltonics
  • 2023-06-02T14:00:00+02:00
  • 2023-06-02T15:30:00+02:00
  • Four representatives from Bruker Daltonics will visit the GGN and be available to answer your questions about their career paths, employment opportunities at Bruker, and Bruker‘s products and solutions. Take this opportunity to network and learn more about this company.

02.06.2023 von 14:00 bis 15:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, Raum 0024

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen





  • Freitag, 02.06.2023, 14:00-15:30
  • Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58
  • Raum 0024
  •  Promovierende, PostDocs, Master Studierende
  • Dr. Alexander Bunkowski
  • Dr. Nikolas Kessler
  • Sofie Weinkouff
  • Sascha Winter
  • Englisch



On June 2, four representatives from Bruker Daltonics will visit the GGN and be available to answer your questions about their career paths, employment opportunities at Bruker, and Bruker‘s products and solutions. Take this opportunity to network and learn more about this company.

Über Bruker

Bruker Corporation is an American manufacturer of scientific instruments for molecular and materials research, as well as for industrial and applied analysis. Bruker’s solutions are applied in a variety of scientific fields, namely in life science molecular research, in applied and pharma applications, in microscopy and nanoanalysis, and in industrial applications, as well as in cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical phenomics and proteomics research and clinical microbiology.

Bruker Daltonics primarily designs, manufactures, and distributes pioneering mass spectrometry (MS) instruments. Their MS-based tools serve the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, molecular diagnostics research and chemical analysis industries. Bruker's analytical instruments deliver exceptional high-resolution results for pre-clinical and clinical testing. Research institutes, universities and government agencies routinely turn to Bruker for systems that address real world needs.

Bruker Corporation operates in more than 90 locations, one of which is Bremen, from where our guests are visiting.

Über die Gäste

Sascha Winter (SW) - Software Development timsControl
SW graduated with a Diploma in Applied Computer Science in the Natural Siences from Bielefeld University in 2009 and worked as a research assistant at the chair of bioinformatics at the FSU Jena until 2015.
SW joined Bruker in 2016 and is now working in the development team in charge of the timsTOF instrument control software. The group is responsible for developing new software features for timsTOF instruments, adding support for new (prototype) hardware configurations, as well as maintaining software quality.

Sofie Weinkouff (SW) - Software Research and Development Metabolomics & Lipidomics
SW did a Bachelor of Science in Biology at the University of Hamburg in 2017, and then studied Bioinformatics and Systems Biology at the University of Giessen, where she graduated in 2021 with a Master of Science.
At Bruker, SW is a Java Full-Stack (i.e. Client-Server) Software Developer, contributing to the development of the untargeted Metabolomics post-processing and data analysis software MetaboScape(R). Her responsibilities are mainly to support developing new features for MetaboScape, feature prototyping, as well as maintaining quality.

Dr. Nikolas Kessler (NK) - Head of Software Research and Development Metabolomics & Lipidomics
NK graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biotechnology (2008), a Master of Science in Genome-based Systems Biology (2010) and a PhD (2018) with the CLIB-Graduate Cluster Industrial Biotechnology at Bielefeld University.
After an internship in 2012 NK joined Bruker in 2014 and later became responsible for the group doing research and development for software that unravels mass spectrometry data for untargeted metabolomics. This group develops the MetaboScape(R) software to help researchers interpret their measurements of metabolisms in a wide range of analyses from food authenticity to diseases.

Dr. Alexander Bunkowski (AB) - Project Manager Software Research and Development BioPharma
AB graduated with a Diploma in Applied Computer Science in the Natural Sciences from Bielefeld University in 2007 and a PhD in 2011, in cooperation with the ISAS Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften.
AB's career at the company began in 2011, working on Java-based automation and acquisition software. Over time, the focus shifted towards architecture and professional software development, and later, to Research and Development in the field of BioPharma, proteins, and RNA analytics.

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