Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Obituary for Marco Russo


On April 17 2024, our dear colleague and postdoc coordinator Dr. Marco Russo passed away unexpectedly.

Marco studied nutritional sciences and joined the GGL in 2012 as a doctoral candidate focusing his research on medicinal plants. Back then, he impressed us with his secret skill of organizing giveaways for our Annual Conference. After successfully completing his doctoral degree, he stayed in touch and in April 2023, we were fortunate to welcome him back as a part-time postdoc coordinator. Balancing his role with his responsibilities as the co-founder of his own company specializing in dietary supplements, Marco showed remarkable time-management and organizing skills.

As a postdoc coordinator, Marco was always available for everybody seeking support on their way climbing the academic career ladder. He was compassionate and always curious to meet new people but his careful and accurate side also made him a very good manager. He genuinely enjoyed working in a team and after his new colleague joined our small postdoc team, a lot of laughter came out of their office.

It still feels like any moment he will come racing down the street on his bicycle past our windows, to sneak into the office wishing “einen wunderschönen guten Morgen”. Marco leaves us sad and shocked, wishing for more time to deepen our connection with him. Our thoughts and sympathy are with his family, friends and colleagues during this difficult time. We will miss him deeply.