Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

EUPeace Project: Building Bridges on Rising Waters: Climate Change and International Disaster Management

Building Bridges on Rising Waters: Climate Change and International Disaster Management

Context and Objective of the Project

The accelerating changes in the global climate are linked to a rise in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events and natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, and even earthquakes. These challenges transcend national borders, pose serious risks to societies, and give rise to new socio-political, economic, legal, and technological questions, as well as pressing transformation needs, necessitating a re-evaluation of disaster risk management strategies. Considering this topic’s current relevance, this project seeks to establish a joint blended learning master seminar on disaster risk (reduction) management for students from different scientific disciplines (e.g. political science, geography, law, engineering, economics,…).

By following an inverted classroom approach, the project offers a distinctive teaching format, combining lectures and presentations by experts and practitioners available online (asynchronous teaching) with regular online discussions and working sessions (synchronous teaching). Thereby, the project promotes not only an interdisciplinary learning approach but also fosters exchange and cooperation among participating international students and lecturers.

Project Coordination

Project Partner Institutions



The project is generously funded by the EUPeace Fund.