How to join the group?
This page contains some general information on your opportunities to join our research group.
Specific or actual job offers are usually presented on the main page.
- Short term projects for undergraduates (Studienprojekte)
Within the materials science curriculum (B.Sc.), and from the winter term 2010/11 on also in the chemistry curriculum, students have to run individual short term projects (9 credits, corresponding to approx. 7 weeks of work). You may run your project in our group in quite a number of different research fields, and there is always need for enthusiastic and skillful students. For students interested in Physical Chemistry, there is often the chance to join long term projects as a junior member parallel to the regular course work.
Interested students should contact either Prof. Janek or one of the senior group members (Dr. Bielefeld, Dr. Richter, Dr. Elm, Dr. Henß, Dr. Sann, Dr. Rohnke, Dr. Luerßen).
- Bachelor thesis
We always have a range of subjects for both students in chemistry and materials science. Typical thesis projects are problems from the fields of solid state chemistry and materials research for electrochemical energy technologies, surface and sensor technologies. Candidates should be self-motivated, interested in both chemistry and physics and willing to explore new ideas.
Interested students should contact either Prof. Janek or one of the senior group members (Dr. Bielefeld, Dr. Richter, Dr. Elm, Dr. Henß, Dr. Sann, Dr. Rohnke, Dr. Luerßen). - Intensive courses (Vertiefung), specialization (Spezialisierung) and Master thesis
If you plan to choose Physical Chemistry as your major, you should contact us early in order make a proper course schedule. We always have a range of subjects for both students in chemistry and materials science. Typical thesis projects are problems from the fields of solid state chemistry and materials research for electrochemical energy technologies, surface and sensor technologies. Candidates should be self-motivated, interested in both chemistry and physics and willing to explore new ideas.
Interested students should contact either Prof. Janek or one of the senior group members (Dr. Bielefeld, Dr. Richter, Dr. Elm, Dr. Schröder, Dr. Henß, Dr. Sann, Dr. Rohnke, Dr. Luerßen).
- Doctoral program (Dr. rer. nat.)
Graduates with a Diploma or Master degree in Chemistry, Materials Science or Physics can apply with the usual application documents for a grant. In any case it is recommended to contact Prof. Janek ahead of any application, as the number of grants is limited and very good to excellent course achievements are required.
Interested students should contact either Prof. Janek.
- Postdoctoral projects
Chemists, materials scientists or physicists with a doctoral degree are welcome to join the group as Postdoc. The availability of positions depends on funding, and therefore is varying with time. Once you are interested in joining the group you should contact us as early as possible in order to check possible funding opportunities.
Interested candidates should contact Prof. Janek.