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The Dean conducts the business of the faculty and manages its finances. He represents the faculty internally within the university as well as externally. The Vice Dean is responsible for research questions and the Study Dean is in charge of all study affairs.



  Klaus Eder

Prof. Dr. Klaus Eder



Phone: +49 (0)641 99-37001 (Dean's Office)


Prof. Dr. med. Mathias Fasshauer

Vice Dean



Phone: +49 (0)641 99-39067



Prof. Dr. Matthias Frisch

Study Dean



Phone: +49 (0)641 99-37540




Carmen Böckler

Assisstant to the Dean


Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-37001

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009

  Claus Mükschel

Dr. Claus Mückschel

Chief Operating Officer


Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-37002

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009


Eva Regensburg, M.Sc.

Officer for Communication and Quality Management


Tel.: +49 (0)641 - 99-39000

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009

  Nadine Ackermann

Dipl.-Ing. agr. Nadine Ackermann

Study Coordinator


Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-37014

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009

  Laura Weidemann

Laura Weidemann, M.Sc.

Study Coordinator


Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-37013

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009

  Simone Zeisset

Dipl.-Angl. Simone Zeisset

Study Coordinator (International Degree Programmes)


Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-39001

Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009

  Lisa Gehlen

Lisa Gehlen, M.Sc.

Project Marketing Study Programmes

Phone: +49 (0)641 - 99-37003
Fax: +49 (0)641 - 99-37009



Dekanat Fachbereich 09
Bismarckstr. 24
35390 Gießen