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Madita Zöller-Cannito

Research associate in Food Sociology

Currently on parental leave


Research interests

  • food cultures
  • social and cultural relevance of drinking water (bottled as well as tap water)
  • sociology of emotions
  • food and social media


Contributions to scientific meetings, workshops or congresses

Madita Zöller-Cannito (2021) Tap Water Standards: A Qualitative Study On The Influence Of Stakeholder Evaluations. Contribution to the 15th conference of the European Sociological Association: Sociological Knowledges for Alternative Futures. 31. August - 3. September 2021, Barcelona, Spain. 

Madita Zöller-Cannito (2021) Rekommunalisierung von Leitungswasser: Bedürfnisorientierung im lokalen Ernährungssystem. Beitrag zur Tagung: Gut versorgt aus der Region? Potentiale und Herausforderungen für Bedürfnisorientierung in regionalen Ernährungssystemen an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen. Digitale Tagung am 23. und 24. Juli 2021.

Madita Zöller-Cannito and Stefan Wahlen (2020) Water: simulation and singularity in social practices. Midterm meeting of the research network for sociology of consumption of the european sociological association: Citizenship and Consumption – All-powerful, all-powerless? Oslo Metropolitan University. Virtual meeting 26. - 29. August 2020.


Curriculum Vitae


since 12/2019


Research associate at the chair of food sociology at Giessen University



Social scientist in the project Museum 4Punkt0, Carnival Museum Schloss Langenstein e.V.


M.A. at University of Giessen: Societies and Cultures of Modernity

M.A. Thesis: Social Sources of Euphoria and Depression


10/2011-11/2014 B.A. at University of Giessen: Social Sciences

B.A. thesis: Partner search on the Internet: sociological perspectives on actors


Coskun, Besgül; Madita, Zöller (2017): Wasserkonsum – Eine empirische Studie zu Geschmack, Qualität und Preis von Wasser, (S. 65-91). In: Willems, Herbert (Hg.): Die Wasser der Gesellschaft. Zur Einführung in eine Soziologie des Trinkwassers. Wiesbaden, Springer VS.