IPPAE Application Form

Welcome to the IPPAE application form!

This form should only be filled out ONCE! Please make sure that you meet all the admission requirements and prepare all the required documents beforehand. Do not resubmit this form! You will receive an automatic answer when your application has been sent successfully. If you need to submit an additional document later, please contact us directly via .

We are aware that the information asked in this form is in large parts identical with the information asked in the DAAD application form. Sorry for requiring double effort from you here.

Before filling in this form, please read through all the questions carefully and make sure you have all relevant information and documents at hand. A list of all required documents can be found on our How to apply page and below. Make sure to merge the required documents in a single PDF-file and the proposal in a second PDF-file before uploading it. Upload an optional third PDF-file with your Masterthesis in case you use it as a language proof.

Make sure you submit a letter of employment signed by your supervisor (employment contract OR a letter of appointment will NOT be accepted). The reference letter MUST also be signed by your supervisor. 

In order to apply for IPPAE, please fill in the form below and make sure you upload all required documents. Please do not write in ALL CAPS.


This list serves as a checklist and indicates all the documents which need to be attached below in merged PDF-files. Only complete applications will be considered. Options marked with "*" are mandatory.
Please select your country of origin
Please state how many children you have (e.g. "2"), if any.
For example: "M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics"
Please state your final grade as well as a reference for this grade (For example: 3.7 of 4 or 65 of 100 or give the division or the class average).
If you did obtain an academic degree (BSc, license, engineer etc.) prior to your latest academic degree, please answer all questions concerning this degree. If your latest degree is your only degree, please state "none".
Please state your final grade as well as a reference for this grade (For example: 3.7 of 4 or 65 of 100 or give the division or the class average).
If you have any further academic degrees (e.g. a second BSc or MSc or a PhD) please state them here. Please also state the university where you obtained the degree, the year it was obtained and the final grade.
If you have received any awards during your academic or professional career, please state them here.
If you have already published any of your research output, please state your publications here. Please note, that adding your publications here will increase your application's visibility during the screeing process. Make sure to name all authors and where the publication can be found, for example like this: Raghavan Sathyan, A., Funk, C., Aenis, T. and Breuer, L. 2018. Climate Vulnerability in Rainfed Farming: Analysis from Indian Watersheds. Sustainability, 10(9):3357. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10093357.
Please state your current position or job describtion.
Please upload your application documents here ( documents required merged into one PDF-file). Note: Upload only ONE file here! A list of all required documents can be found on the How to Apply page. Maximum upload size: 50 MB
Please upload your research proposal here (one PDF-file).
If you intend to prove your English Proficiency by providing a M.Sc. Thesis, you can upload a scanned copy here (Please note, that you also have to provide a stamped statement by your University, which proves that your last degree course has been conducted in English).
After submitting the application form, you will receive an e-mail with all the content that you have send us including the documents you uploaded. Please check immediately whether the documents that you uploaded are correct and complete ( ALL REQUIRED APPLICATION DOCUMENTS AS STATED ON THE DAAD PAGE PLUS PROPOSAL ). If you accidently uploaded a wrong document, contact us IMMEDIATELY by e-mail! Otherwise we cannot consider your application.
We are using the online application form for the first time this year. If you encountered any difficulties in filling out this form or have any other feedback to give on the application process, please let us know here. Your statements in this field will not influence your chances of succeeding!

Please make sure to submit your data by clicking the "submit" button once you entered all information!