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Current funding

DFG-Funding KR1143/12-1 „Dissecting functional master-enhancer regimes driving inflammatory stimulation“
Since 2024, our research work has been supported by the DFG-Funding KR1143/12-1 „Dissecting functional master-enhancer regimes driving inflammatory stimulation“.
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CoroPan, project P4: "Coronavirusreplikation im Wechselspiel von ER-Phagie und ER-assoziierter Degradation und Translation"
Since 2023, our work on COVID-19 research has been funded by the LOEWE research funding program "Humane und zoonotische Coronaviren: konservierte Angriffspunkte für neue therapeutische Optionen bei zukünftigen Pandemien" under the 15th funding relay by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.
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Graduate School GRK 2573 "The inflammatory tumor secretome – from understanding to novel therapies", project RP5
Project RP5: "The role of CDK - NF-κB crosstalk in shaping de novo protein synthesis, shedding and secretion of inflammatory mediators"
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SFB 1213, project B03: "Signal-mediated chromatin changes in right heart failure"
Since 2016 we are supported by a project grant from the collaborative research centre (DFG Sonderforschungsbereich) SFB 1213 "Pulmonary Hypertension and Cor Pulmonale", Giessen.
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