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Just'us Postdoctoral Program

Aim of the funding instrument


Within the framework of the postdoctoral program Just'us (Junior Science and Teaching Units), Justus Liebig University (JLU) awards fellowships to outstanding young scientists at JLU. It is intended to support them in developing their academic independence at an early stage of their career. Activities to attract external funding are an integral part of the Just'us program.

The fellowship is generally open to internal and external postdoctoral researchers who, in the course of the fellowship, are to develop a more comprehensive research program largely free of other obligations and conduct preparatory research for this at JLU. The development of the research program should result, in particular, in an external funding application and in publications that pave the way for follow-up projects and career perspectives in the time after Just'us. Moreover, a teaching obligation of 2 teaching hours per week is to be fulfilled for further academic qualification.

The primary goal for both external and internal applicants is to become eligible for professorial appointment within the framework of Just'us, in particular through subsequent externally funded grants. These can be, for example, applications for the establishment of a junior research group (e.g., in the Emmy Noether Program of the DFG, Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize of the AvH Foundation, Helmholtz funding, ERC Starting Grants, etc.) or for a project funded by the DFG (Walter Benjamin Program; material grant).

Funding line 1: External applicants should submit an application to establish a junior research group or an independently managed DFG project no later than 12 months after the start of funding, which should be submitted to the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies prior to submission. 

Funding line 2: For internal applicants, the immediate goal is to preferably obtain their own position within the framework of an externally funded research project; in a longer-term perspective, the goal is also to obtain the ability to be appointed to an external professorship. The immediate employment of the fellowship recipient to a state position is not the goal of sponsoring JLU internal applicants. 

Applications are only accepted on the recommendation of a JLU professor who, together with the recommendation, submits a statement on the provision of infrastructure for the applicant. In particular, the further career prospects of the applicant after Just'us should be explicitly addressed.

During the Just’us fellowship, the postdoc will develop the research program at an institution of his/her choice at JLU in consultation with the supporting professorship. 

The fellowship serves to further develop a research program (documented in a continuative external funding proposal), for which visible preliminary work must already be available. Within the term of the Just'us fellowship, research ideas are to be further developed as part of project proposals and at least one proposal is to be submitted to an external funding body. 


Requirements for application 


Being awarded a Just’us fellowship requires outstanding scientific achievements in the respective research area of the applicant. The completed doctorate should have been evaluated with at least 'magna cum laude'.

In the case of internal applicants, the doctorate must be or have been completed at JLU.


Scope and duration of funding


The fellowship is usually awarded for a period of up to two years.  

The basic benefit of the fellowship is intended to cover the recipient's living expenses and may not be used to supplement scholarships from other funding organizations or income from another occupation.

Fellowship amount

The basic scholarship amount, which is intended to cover the recipient's living expenses, is 1,900 EUR plus monthly possible child supplements. Upon application, a health insurance subsidy is granted up to an amount of 300 EUR per month.  

Allowance for material costs

In addition to the basic amount, funds for material and travel expenses as well as for auxiliary staff may be provided upon separate application; in justified cases, applications for scientific equipment may also be approved. As a rule, no positions for the employment of staff can be funded.  

Part time fellowship

Part time fellowships (at least 50%) may be granted exclusively to enable fellows to devote themselves to caring for their children or family members for reasons of age or illness in addition to their academic work. Fellowships already granted can also be converted into partial scholarships for these reasons. In both cases, the duration of the fellowship will be extended appropriately. 


Form and timing of the application 


Postdocs can submit the application for a scholarship at any time.  

When applying for Just'us, the time since the last oral examination taken in the course of the doctoral process should generally not be more than two years ago in the case of external applicants, and no more than 12 months ago in the case of internal applicants (proven family care periods will be taken into account accordingly). 

Your application must include the following documents:

  1. Application (max. 10 pages) - A concrete work plan detailing the development of a research program and information on the achievement of your scientific independence must be submitted. Information on the probable significance of the project for your further scientific career in terms of personal career planning (e.g. working group leadership, professorship, career planning outside the academic system) is requested, and corresponding plans for the acquisition of external funding must be explained. Please state to which funding institution and in which funding line an application will be submitted during the course of the fellowship. 
  2. Concise budget plan (see appendix for a sample).  
  3. Letter of support from the hosting professorship - This should include a confirmation of support for the project, the provision of a workplace, an assurance of the greatest possible independence, as well as a reliable assessment of the intended career prospects and the chance of successfully obtaining external funding. An assessment of teaching needs is appreciated. 
  4. Suggestion for three independent external reviewers. 
  5. Current curriculum vitae. 

The application must be sent in electronic form (PDF format) via email to 

Review and decision


After an internal review, external experts evaluate the applications. The Executive Board decides on funding.

All information can also be found in the Call for application

Contact: Should you have questions regarding the call, please contact Staff Division Research and Graduate Studies at forschung