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Examination Office Faculty 09

On this page, detailed information is given on the examination procedures of the international master study programs at the faculty 09 – Agricultural Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Environmental Management. Information on the Bachelor examinations is provided only on the German website. The described procedures apply exclusively to the module examination of the faculty 09. For module examinations of other faculties other regulations and deadlines are valid.
Availability during the semester break

The Examination Office will only be available to a limited extent until 31 August 2024. A delayed processing time must therefore be expected for enquiries. 
The collection of certificates is not affected by this and is possible as usual on Tuesdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
In addition, telephone consultation hours will be reduced: for general consultation hours, you can always reach us in September on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Recognition consultations will be suspended in August and September and will be offered again from October.

Thank you for your understanding.

Non-attendance of exams for justified reasons
From the summer semester 2023 on, you will need to hand in a proof with a justified reason (e.g. medical certificate) immediately if you do not attend an exam for reasons beyond your control, otherwise the exam will count as failed. For submission please fill in the online form and upload the corresponding proof.
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Certificate documents

>> Application for certificate Master of Science
(Agrobiotechnology, Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources, Sustainable Transition, Transition Management)