Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Dr. Heike Hartmann



Publikationen mit Revision

    Quasi periodicities of extreme precipitation events in the Yangtze River basin, China.
    Im Druck bei Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2008):
    Predicting summer rainfall in the Yangtze River basin with neural networks.
    International Journal of Climatology
    28: 925-936.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2007):
    Quasi-periodicities in Chinese precipitation time series.
    Theoretical and Applied Climatology
    92: 155-163.
  • BECKER, S., H. HARTMANN, Q. ZHANG, Y. JIANG, T. & Y. WU (2007):
    Cyclicity Analysis of Precipitation Regimes in the Yangtze River Basin, China.
    International Journal of Climatology 28: 579-588.
  • JIANG, T., B. SU & H. HARTMANN (2007):
    Temporal and Spatial Trends of Precipitation and River Flow in the Yangtze River Basin, 1961-2000. Geomorphology 85: 143-154.
  • KING, L., T. HERZ, H. HARTMANN, R. HOF, T. JIANG, C. KE, Z. WEI, J. LIU & C. YI (2006):
    The PACE monitoring strategy – A concept for permafrost research in Qinghai-Tibet. Quaternary International 154-155: 149-157.
  • WU, Y., S. BECKER, L. KING, H.-T. KUNG, T. JIANG, H. HARTMANN & W. ZHU (2006):
    The frequency of precipitation days in the Yangtze River basin. IAHS Red Book 303: 204-213.
  • ZHANG, Q., H. HARTMANN, S. BECKER & C. Zhu (2005):
    Paleoclimate of the Yangtze River’s Lower Reaches for the Past 14,000 Years. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 2: 31-38.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2004):
    The Three Gorges Project: its influence on the flood risk along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and on the economy of the region surrounding the reservoir. In: Jiang, T., L. King, M. Gemmer & Z. W. Kundzewicz (Hrsg.): Climate Change and Yangtze Floods. Science Press, Beijing.
  • KING, L., H. HARTMANN, M. GEMMER & S. BECKER (2004):
    Der Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm am Yangtze - Ein Großbauprojekt und seine Bedeutung für den Hochwasserschutz. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 5: 26-33.
  • HARTMANN, H. & S. BECKER (2003):
    Critical discussion of the Three Gorges Project’s consequences. Journal of Lake Sciences 15: 249-254.
  • HARTMANN, H. (2002):
    Das Drei-Schluchten-Projekt und sein Einfluss auf die Hochwas­sersituation am Mittellauf des Yangtze. [online] Gießen, Univ., Diplomarbeit: URL:

Weitere Publikationen und Tagungsbeiträge

  • HARTMANN, H. & KING, L. (2008):
    Saisonale Niederschlagsvorhersage für das Yangtze-Einzugsgebiet und ihr Beitrag zur Hochwasserprävention. Abstracts zur 6. Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Ostasien in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie, 4. Oktober 2007, Bayreuth. ASIEN - Ther German Journal on Contemporary Asia 106: 83-84.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2007):
    Quasi-cycles in Chinese precipitation time series and in its potential influencing factors: a comparison. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Larger Asian Rivers: Climate Change, River Flow and Sediment Flux, 25.-29. September 2007, Nanchang, P.R. China.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2007):
    A neural network model for the prediction of summer rainfall in the Yangtze River catchment. Proceedings of the Sino-German Workshop on Conceptual and Integrated Modelling in Climate-system, Geo-ecosystem and Watershed Management, 18.-21. Juni 2007. Beijing, P.R. China.
  • BECKER, S., H. HARTMANN & L. KING (2007):
    Cycles of extreme precipitation events in the Yangtze River Basin, China. Proceedings of the Sino-German Workshop on Conceptual and Integrated Modelling in Climate-system, Geo-ecosystem and Watershed Management, 18.-21. Juni 2007. Beijing, P.R. China.
  • HARTMANN, H., S. BECKER & L. KING (2006):
    Quasi-periodicities in precipitation time series and their relevance for water availability: examples from northwestern China. Proceedings of the Sino-German Scientific Seminar on Water Resources in Large River Catchments of Western China and the Effects of Climate Change, 27. August - 2. September 2006. Urumqi, P.R. China.
  • HARTMANN, H. (2006):
    Spectral Analysis of Precipitation Time Series: a possible Contribution to an improved Storage Capacity Management of Reservoirs. Proceedings of the Sino-German Symposium on Environmental Impacts of Large-scale Hydraulic Engineering, 1.-6. März 2006. Xingshan, P.R China.
  • HARTMANN, H. (2004):
    Kommentare zu W. R. Moore: Der Jangtse, die Hauptstraße Chinas. National Geographic, März 1948. In: Die große National Geographic Bibliothek, Bd. 7: 110-143.
  • Hartmann, H. (2004):
    Kommentare zu A. Zich & B. Sacha: Vor der großen Flut. National Geographic, September 1997. In: Die große National Geographic Bibliothek, Bd. 7: 144-175.
  • HARTMANN, H. (2002):
    The Three-Gorges-Project - Consequences for the Hubei Province and Chongqing Municipality. Proceedings of the Sino-German Symposium on Sustainable Land Use, Flood Risks and Watershed Ecosystem Management, 8.-14. April 2002. Shanghai, P.R. China.



  • 29.01.2008 „Klimageschichte der letzten 1000 Jahre: Mitteleuropa und China im Vergleich“. Projekt „Klimawandel“ am Gymnasium Philippinum in Marburg, 29.-30.01.2008.
  • 04.10.2007 „Saisonale Niederschlagsvorhersage für das Yangtze-Einzugsgebiet und ihr Beitrag zur Hochwasserpräven­tion“. Deutscher Geographentag in Bayreuth, Arbeitskreis Ostasien in der DGfG, 29.09.-05.10. 2007.
  • 18.06.2007 „A neural network model for the prediction of summer rainfall in the Yangtze River catchment.” Sino-German Workshop on Conceptual and Integrated Modelling in Climate-system, Geo-ecosystem and Watershed Management in Beijing, 18.-21.06.2007.
  • 21.03.2007 „Mobility: Cooperation and Exchange of Information – Experiences from the Sino-German Cooperation”. Russian-German Seminar on International Academic Mobility in Gießen, 18.-23.03.2007.
  • 09.10.2006 „Teleconnections and their relevance for precipitation patterns in China”. Sino-German Workshop on Climate Change and Yangtze Floods in Gießen, 07.-13.10.2006.
  • 31.08.2006 „Quasi-periodicities in precipitation time series and their relevance for water availability: examples from northwestern China”. Sino-German Scientific Seminar on Water Resources in Large River Catchments of Western China and the Effects of Climate Change in Urumqi, 27.08.-02.09.2006.
  • 03.03.2006 „Spectral analysis of precipitation time series: a possible contribution to an improved storage capacity management of reservoirs”. Sino-German Workshop on Environmental Impacts of large-scale Hydraulic Engineering in Xingshan, 01.-07.03.2006.
  • 11.04.2002 „The Three-Gorges-Project – Consequences for the Hubei Province and Chongqing Municipality”. Sino-German Symposium on Sustainable Land Use, Flood Risks and Watershed Ecosystem Management in Shanghai, 08.-14.04.2002.