Inhaltspezifische Aktionen


2024 Julian Bergmann High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry of complex mixtures with a Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass-Spectrometer
2023 Daler Amanbayev Mass measurements at the N=Z and N=126 limits at the FRS Ion Catcher and development of the Cryogenic Stopping Cell for
the Super-FRS
2022 Sönke Beck Direct Mass Measurements of Neutron-Deficient Lanthanides for Nuclear Structure Studies at the Proton Dripline.
2020 Felix Ernst Horst Measurement of Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections for Application in Radiotherapy with Protons, Helium and Carbon Ions
  Daria Kostileva Experimental Studies of Proton-Unbound Nuclei via In-Flight decay Spectroscopy
2019 Erika Kazantseva Magnetic field and ion-optical simulations for the optimization of the Super-FRS
  Ivan Miskun A novel method for the measurement of half-lives and decay branching ratios of exotic nuclei with the FRS Ion Catcher
2018 Samuel Ayet San Andrés Developments for Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometers and their Application to High-Resolution Mass Measurements of Short-Lived Exotic Nuclei
  Christine Hornung High-Resolution Experiments with the Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer at the Fragment Separator FRS
2017 Tugba Arici Investigation of the Collective Behavior of Nuclei Around Mass 70 Towards the Proton Drip-line
  Ann-Kathrin Rink Mass and Life-Time Measurement of the 1.7 ms 215 Po Isotope - A crucial Test of the Novel Concept of the Cryogenic Ion Catcher for the Super FRS at GSI-Fair
  Johannes Lang Development of a Mobile High-Resolution Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for In-situ Life Science Application
2016 Xu Xiaodong Two-Proton Radioactivity of Exotic Nuclei
  Wayne Lippert Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung eines Flugzeitmassenspektrometers
  Jens Ebert Mass Measurements of 238U-Projectile Fragments for the First Time with a Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
  Christian Jesch Aufbau und Einsatz eines Multireflexions-Massenspektrometers als Isobarenseparator für exotische Kerne
2015 Moritz Pascal Reiter Pilot Experiments with Relativistic Uranium - Projectile and Fission Fragments Thermalized in a Cryogenic Gas-filled Stopping Cell
  Marcel Diwisch Entwicklung und Designstudien eines Flutzeitdetektors für die isochrone Massenspektrometrie am CR und Massenmessungen am FRS-ESR
2011 Fabio Farinon Unamiguous Identification and Investigation of Uranium Projectile Fragments & Discovery of 63 New Neutron-rich Isotopes in the Element Range 61 ≤ Z ≤ 78 at the FRS
  Natalia Kuzminchuk Performance Studies and Improvements of a Time-of-Flight Detector for Isochronous Mass Measurements at the FRS-ESR Facility
  Emma Haettner A novel radio frequency quadrupole system for SHIPTRAP & new mass measurements of rp nuclides
2010 Timo Dickel Design and Commissioning of an Ultra-High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Based Isobar Separator and Mass Spectrometer
2009 Nicolas Winckler Nuclear orbital electron capture of stored highly-ionized 140Pr and 142Pm ions
2008 Ekaterina Kozlova Measurements and Simulations of Radioactivity Induced by Heavy-ions at Relativistic Energies to Perform Realistic Biological Shielding Calculations for the Super-FRS Target Area
  Ronja Knöbel Neuartige Isochrone Massenmessung kurzlebiger neutronenreicher, gespeicherter Kerne am FRS-ESR
  Lixin Chen Investigation of Stored Neutron-rich Nuclides in the Element Range of Pt-U with the FRS-ESR Facilities at 360-400 MeV/u
  Benjamin Fabian Characterization and Optimization of a Time-of-Flight Detector for Isochronous Mass Measurement at the ESR
  Sergey A. Litvinov Investigation of the Isochronous Mode of the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) and the Collector Ring (CR). Decay Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Stored 140Pr ions at the FRS-ESR facility
  Martin Petrick Aufbau und Erprobung einer neuartigen Separationsmethode für exotische Kerne bei relativistischen Energien