2024 | Julian Bergmann | High-Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry of complex mixtures with a Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass-Spectrometer |
2023 | Daler Amanbayev | Mass measurements at the N=Z and N=126 limits at the FRS Ion Catcher and development of the Cryogenic Stopping Cell for the Super-FRS |
2022 | Sönke Beck | Direct Mass Measurements of Neutron-Deficient Lanthanides for Nuclear Structure Studies at the Proton Dripline. |
2020 | Felix Ernst Horst | Measurement of Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections for Application in Radiotherapy with Protons, Helium and Carbon Ions |
Daria Kostileva | Experimental Studies of Proton-Unbound Nuclei via In-Flight decay Spectroscopy | |
2019 | Erika Kazantseva | Magnetic field and ion-optical simulations for the optimization of the Super-FRS |
Ivan Miskun | A novel method for the measurement of half-lives and decay branching ratios of exotic nuclei with the FRS Ion Catcher | |
2018 | Samuel Ayet San Andrés | Developments for Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometers and their Application to High-Resolution Mass Measurements of Short-Lived Exotic Nuclei |
Christine Hornung | High-Resolution Experiments with the Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer at the Fragment Separator FRS | |
2017 | Tugba Arici | Investigation of the Collective Behavior of Nuclei Around Mass 70 Towards the Proton Drip-line |
Ann-Kathrin Rink | Mass and Life-Time Measurement of the 1.7 ms 215 Po Isotope - A crucial Test of the Novel Concept of the Cryogenic Ion Catcher for the Super FRS at GSI-Fair | |
Johannes Lang | Development of a Mobile High-Resolution Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for In-situ Life Science Application | |
2016 | Xu Xiaodong | Two-Proton Radioactivity of Exotic Nuclei |
Wayne Lippert | Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung eines Flugzeitmassenspektrometers | |
Jens Ebert | Mass Measurements of 238U-Projectile Fragments for the First Time with a Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer | |
Christian Jesch | Aufbau und Einsatz eines Multireflexions-Massenspektrometers als Isobarenseparator für exotische Kerne | |
2015 | Moritz Pascal Reiter | Pilot Experiments with Relativistic Uranium - Projectile and Fission Fragments Thermalized in a Cryogenic Gas-filled Stopping Cell |
Marcel Diwisch | Entwicklung und Designstudien eines Flutzeitdetektors für die isochrone Massenspektrometrie am CR und Massenmessungen am FRS-ESR | |
2011 | Fabio Farinon | Unamiguous Identification and Investigation of Uranium Projectile Fragments & Discovery of 63 New Neutron-rich Isotopes in the Element Range 61 ≤ Z ≤ 78 at the FRS |
Natalia Kuzminchuk | Performance Studies and Improvements of a Time-of-Flight Detector for Isochronous Mass Measurements at the FRS-ESR Facility | |
Emma Haettner | A novel radio frequency quadrupole system for SHIPTRAP & new mass measurements of rp nuclides | |
2010 | Timo Dickel | Design and Commissioning of an Ultra-High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Based Isobar Separator and Mass Spectrometer |
2009 | Nicolas Winckler | Nuclear orbital electron capture of stored highly-ionized 140Pr and 142Pm ions |
2008 | Ekaterina Kozlova | Measurements and Simulations of Radioactivity Induced by Heavy-ions at Relativistic Energies to Perform Realistic Biological Shielding Calculations for the Super-FRS Target Area |
Ronja Knöbel | Neuartige Isochrone Massenmessung kurzlebiger neutronenreicher, gespeicherter Kerne am FRS-ESR | |
Lixin Chen | Investigation of Stored Neutron-rich Nuclides in the Element Range of Pt-U with the FRS-ESR Facilities at 360-400 MeV/u | |
Benjamin Fabian | Characterization and Optimization of a Time-of-Flight Detector for Isochronous Mass Measurement at the ESR | |
Sergey A. Litvinov | Investigation of the Isochronous Mode of the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) and the Collector Ring (CR). Decay Spectroscopy of Highly Charged Stored 140Pr ions at the FRS-ESR facility | |
Martin Petrick | Aufbau und Erprobung einer neuartigen Separationsmethode für exotische Kerne bei relativistischen Energien |