Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Lecture: Oil Palm in Colombia

a lecture by Adriana Gomez


30.05.2018 von 16:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Campus Licher Straße 68, Raum HS 020, 35394 Gießen

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0641-99 21370


Students, doctoral and postdoctoral candidates of all faculties, and all interested

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LECTURE in the GGS Teaching Assistantship Programme 2018:

Adriana Gomez: Oil Palm in Colombia

(no regisration needed)


Palm oil is an important agricultural commodity to satisfy oil, fuel and energy demand: which simultaneously nowadays is used for cooking, cosmetics and in oleo chemicals. Oil palm production gives higher yields per hectare among other vegetables oils and low production costs. Therefore, plantations are rapidly expanding across tropical regions. The loss of biodiversity, changes in ecosystems and thereby diminishing the ecosystem services provision are attributed to the development of oil palm plantations. Although, plantation management and conservation practices can lead to the enhancement of ecosystem services – since agricultural systems depend upon these services.

In Colombia, oil palm plantations will further expand in upcoming years. The future plantation developments are aiming to alleviate the poverty in rural areas and to satisfying oil demand. Consequently, the design and development of such plantations should be directed to avoid environmental and social impacts.

Nowadays, oil palm sector has the wrong perception due to past practices – conversion of forest through burning and displacements. How will the oil palm plantations should be developed to minimize environmental and social impacts? Is there any “social responsibility” for us, as consumers, to demand better or improved agricultural practices? How to be sure that oil palm expansion is regulated? Are we even aware that we are consuming palm oil is our everyday life, even though palm oil is heavily criticized?