Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Teaching in English 2: Lecturing and Interacting with Students in an International Classroom

A workshop in coorporation of the centres: GGL, ZfbK and GGS


23.03.2018 von 09:00 bis 17:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Raum 201, Erwin-Stein-Gebäude, Goethestraße 58, 35390 Gießen

Name des Kontakts

Telefon des Kontakts

0641 99 213 70


doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers

Termin zum Kalender hinzufügen


The workshop will be divided into two major parts: lecturing and interacting with students
Lecturing will address the following:
- Meta-factors (transparent communication of structure and learning objectives) for lecturing
- Use of signposts to help guide students through a lecture
- Brief analyses of lecture clips
Interacting with students will address the following:
- Use of micro-methods and questions to activate students
- Didactical methods to apply when responding to 4 categories of student input
- Brief simulations of student interaction


Course language is English.

Further information is available on the course description.