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Vortrag "Cyber Security: Intranational Cooperation in Cross-Roads" (GGS-Jahrestagung)

Studierende, Promovierende, Postdoktorierende, Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, Professor*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen aller Fachrichtungen und Universitäten sowie alle Interessierten Personen sind herzliche eingeladen an der Tagung teilzunehmen.


08.12.2017 von 11:30 bis 12:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Margarete-Bieber-Saal, Ludwigstraße 34

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In Kooperation mit dem Zentrum für Medien und Interaktivität (ZMI), dem Forschungscampus Mittelhessen (FCMH) und dem Kinderrechte Filmfestival veranstaltet das Gießener Graduiertenzentrum für Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaftem (GGS) seine 4. Jahrestagung zum Thema „Digitale (Un)Sichtbarkeiten“. Die Tagung findet vom 6. – 8. Dezember 2017 auf dem Innenstadtcampus der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen statt. Neben Prof. Dr. Dariuš Zifonun (Uni Marburg) und Prof. Dr. Gerrit Sames (THM) als Keynote Speaker, erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge, Discussion Roundtables mit Ina Daßbach, Dr. Jutta Hergenhan und Prof. Dr. Dorothée de Nève (ZMI), René Grund und Dr. Michaela Goll (JLU, Institut für Soziologie) sowie einem Networking-Treffen mit dem FCMH.


Referentin: Nourhan A. Kassem

Thema: Cyber Security: Intranational Cooperation in Cross-Roads

As a problematic concept not only in social science but in information technology sciences, cyber security has been a contested semantic space. It encompasses theoretical controversies on the level of definition, and the domain till which our practical policies should extend as well. If cyber could be easily determined as related to internet and networking, the counterpart from which we seek security remains constituting a blurring area. Cyber security includes fostering protection of information systems from electronic threats that takes different shapes. It could start from a simple attack like vandalism and escalate into espionage, terrorism and warfare.

In this paper, I am going to present different definitions of the concept of cyber security and some of its variant threats. Then I am going to move to deliberate on the different efforts done to face such hazards and how it evolved from being a challenge on the nation-state level to the international one where it required the collaboration of many international agents’ efforts to face. In this respect, it is important to revisit one of the intra-national organization efforts; i.e. NATO and how the lack of coherent and cohesive policies on the national level intensifies such threats and hinders any progressive efforts on the intra/international efforts. This presentation will conclude with an open-end to state the feasibility of some proposed policies such as a global cyberspace treaty, and/or Alternatives to Cyber Warfare: Deterrence and Assurance.


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