Document Actions

Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide



Justus Liebig University Giessen
Department of Political Science

Karl-Gloeckner-Str. 21E

D-35394 Giessen


Philosophikum II Room E116

☎ +49 641 99 23070

Office Hours

Consultation hours with Frau Prof. Kreide via telephone or internet. For an appointment please contact

Competent Secretariat

Philosophikum II Room E115

☎ +49 641 99 23071

Fax +49 641 99 23079


You can find Prof. Dr. Regina Kreide's personal homepage here:




Cornelia Becker
Secretary at the 

Institute of Political Science

Philosophikum II Raum E115

☎ +49 641 99–23071

Fax +49 641 99–23079


Research Staff


Lillith Schmidt
Maria Sofie Koch (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im SFB Transregio 138 „Dynamiken der Sicherheit“)

Former Colleagues


JE 340x227
Dr. Jeanette Ehrmann



Dummy W 340x227
Dr. Petra Gümplová



Ana Ivasiuc
Dr. Ana Ivasiuc



Huub van Baar
Huub van Baar




please get in touch with Huub van Baar via the secretariat of Prof. Dr. Kreide



PhD Projects

PhD Projects



Sinthia Akter (JLU Gießen): "How cognitive bias of gender inequality accrued from societal constructs contributes to gender wage pay gap: A case study of the RMG industry in Bangladesh"

Through this research I aim to explore how society plays a part in instilling values within men which gives rise to gender inequality and a widening gender pay wage gap between men and women. A bias of gender inequality has prompted the undervaluation of women in the society of Bangladesh.  Women in the RMG industry of Bangladesh often find themselves at the bottom of the hierarchy, owing to systems of discrimination and norms put in place by a patriarchal society that undervalues their contributions and role in society. A bias of gender inequality has been instilled within the minds of men that has prompted them to normalize the patriarchal way of thinking, leaving behind women in the society.


Azmat Hameed Bhatti (JLU Giessen): "Digital Empowerment and Security in Intimacy and Power Dynamics"

The thesis highlights digital safety and security in the context of intimate relationships and power dynamics, critiquing conventional cybersecurity for neglecting the aspect of human security. It advocates for feminist and critical theories to address power differences in various relationships. The research is further based on interviews with marginalized people and especially cybersecurity experts to reconfigure traditional cybersecurity. This reconfiguration calls for solidarity and addresses broader social issues rather than solely focusing on technological fixes.


Maria Grynevych (JLU Giessen): "The Transformation of Civic Identity of Ukrainian Refugee Women in Germany"

In this study, we examine the transformation of the civic identity of Ukrainian refugee women in Germany amid the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. By exploring their experiences and Germany's societal responses and integration policies, we highlight how displacement has impacted their roles in Ukraine’s political, social, and cultural spheres. Our research reveals how war-induced migration shapes their identity as they navigate altered societal landscapes. Ultimately, we underscore the evolving significance of these women as contributors to both their homeland and their host nation.


Hannes Kaufmann (JLU Giessen): "Critique of law or critique of legal culture"

In this project, the basis for addressing current legal challenges will be created by reconstructing the potential of early Critical Theory with regard to legal theory and critique of law. Bringing together social theory, cultural criticism and legal theory, the aim is to form a critique of law or a critique of social practices in law in its various dimensions (normativity, function, effect).


Anna-Sophie Schönfelder (JLU Giessen): „The Political Economy of Antigypsyism“

As part of the DFG Collaborative Research Center Dynamics of Security, I am pursuing a dissertation project on the social conditions of antigypsyism. My work links theories of capitalism with the history of governance and examines the significance of resentment against Sinti and Roma for bourgeois subjectivation. Here I am particularly interested in the role of political institutions in the process of European integration. My work draws on both the deciphering of collective images of others that has been pursued in antigypsyism research, and on a materialist critique of ideology.