Further information
The Institute of Applied Theatre Studies belongs to the Faculty 05 - Language, Literature, Culture - of the Justus Liebig University Giessen.
Further information on studying at JLU can be found here, for example information for international students, on application and admission (only relevant after passing the artistic aptitude test!), the university-wide list of deadlines, the examination office responsible for our degree programs, (e.g. registration for the Bachelor's or Master's thesis) the Student Union, the AStA and the Student Secretariat.
If you are studying or would like to study at the institute and are looking for help or advice, you should take a look at the university's advice guide. Especially important for prospective students is the Central Student Advisory Service (in addition to the subject-specific student advisory service at the Institute, which is available from Dr. Eva Holling, Bernhard Siebert, Dr. Livia Piazza as well as Rose Beermann), which provides general advice on study options, application and admission, etc. With regard to the costs and financing of studies (BAFöG, tuition fees, scholarships, etc.), please also refer to the social counseling of the Studentenwerk. The Institutional and Social Guide can also be helpful. Currently, no tuition fees are charged for studying at Hessian universities, the semester fee ("Semestergebühr") is currently about 280 euros per semester.
Those who would like to get to know the university and the institute have the opportunity to do so on the "Open Day", the University Information Day (HIT) in January, which is aimed at high school students as well as BA students interested in a master's program.
However, a special insight into the institute with the opportunity to meet students is offered by the annual festivals!