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Prof. Anat Milo

Professor Milo will give the 5th & 6th Liebig-College seminar and lectures on 

From Hammett to Random Forests: Basic Concepts in Data Visualization for Mechanistic Interference

Wed, 17.08.2022

14:00-16:00 (C1)

Small Data, Big Impact: Inferring Mechanism at Different Data-Size Regimes

Thur, 18.08.2022 14:00-16:00 (C1)


These lectures will provide insight into classical physical organic molecular descriptors, such as logP, Hammett, Taft, or Charton parameters, that are often used for elucidating reaction mechanisms, yet, cannot always account for the intricate molecular interactions invoked in modern synthetic chemistry. Comprehensive experimental inquiry, complemented by data-intensive physical organic analysis, can bridge this gap and enable the study and optimization of increasingly complex systems. The overarching goal of the research program is to understand structural effects at the origin of chemical reactivity, selectivity, and functionality.


Furthermore, Prof. Milo will give an OC-Kolloquium about "Learning from Nature the Hard Way" on Tuesday the 16th of August from 17:00-18:00 in C5a.