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Kristin Leismann

Kristin Leismann has been a research associate at the Chair of Communication and Extension in Agricultural, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences of FB 09 at Justus Liebig University Giessen since 2017. She studied Sociology (Diplom) with minors in Psychology and European Ethnology at Philipps-Universität Marburg and at Nancy II in Nancy, France. After her studies, she already worked as a management consultant and project manager in various institutions in the field of application-oriented sustainability research before joining the Institute in 2017.

Research interest

Her research interest lies in nutrition-related media action. To this end, she uses practice-theoretical approaches in various social media channels to investigate how nutrition is communicated about, with, and through the media and to what extent recipients relate to it in their daily nutritional actions. Her project is embedded in the research field of "Nutritional Awareness", which theoretically deals with the connection between nutritional action and the thought and action patterns and logics constructed and disseminated on various levels of social (nutritional) communication.

Associated publications

  • Schmitt, M., Leismann, K., Baedeker, C. & Rohn, H. (2017). Sharing – eine innovative, soziale Praktik für einen ressourcenschonenden, nachhaltigeren Konsum?. In M. Jaeger-Erben, J. Rückert-John & M. Schäfer (Hrsg.), Soziale Innovationen für nachhaltigen Konsum. Innovation und Gesellschaft. Springer VS.
  • Geibler, J.v., Erdmann, L., Liedtke, C., Rohn, H., Stabe, M., Berner, S., Leismann, K., Schnalzer, K. & Kennedy, K. (2014). Exploring the potential of a German living lab research infrastructure for the development of low resource products and services. Resources, 3(3), 575-598.
  • Rohn, H., Bowry, J., Pöschel, F., Howell, E., Leismann, K., Wiesen, K. & Wirges, M. (2014). Toolbox RessourcenKooperation. Instrumente zur Steigerung von Ressourceneffizienz in der Wertschöpfungskette. Trifolium – Beratungsgesellschaft mbH.
  • Baedeker, C., Rohn, H., Scharp, M., Leismann, K., Bliesner, A., Hasselkuß, M., Scabell, C., Bienge, K. (2013). Education for resource preservation and efficiency: Identifying and developing opportunities for all areas of education in Germany. In C. Ludwig, C. Matasci, & X. Edelmann (Hrsg.), Natural resources – sustainable targets, technologies, lifestyles and governance. A world resources forum production (S. 230-243). World Ressource Forum.
  • Geibler, J.V., Erdmann, L., Liedtke, C., Rohn, H., Stabe, M., Berner, S., Jordan, N. D., Leismann, K. & Schnalzer, K. (2013). Living Labs für nachhaltige Entwicklung: Potentiale einer Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Nutzerintegration in der Entwicklung von Produkt- und Dienstleistungen. Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie.
  • Leismann, K., Schmitt, M., Baedeker, C. & Rohn, H. (2013). Collaborative Consumption: Towards a resource-saving consumption culture. Resources 2013, 2(3), 184-203.
  • Rohn, H., Leismann, K. & Bowry, J. (2013). Ressourceneffizienz in der Wertschöpfungskette durch Unternehmenskooperationen steigern. Trifolium – Beratungsgesellschaft mbH.
  • Rohn, H., Lettenmeier, M., Leismann, K., Veuro, S. & Bowry, J. (2013). Reducing the material footprint of meals. In C. Ludwig, C. Matasci & X. Edelmann (Hrsg.), Natural resources – sustainable targets, technologies, lifestyles and governance: A world resources forum production (S. 106-110). World Ressource Forum.
  • Leismann, K., Schmitt, M., Rohn, H. & Baedeker, C. (2012). Nutzen statt Besitzen – Auf dem Weg zu einer ressourcenschonenden Konsumkultur. Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Schriften zur Ökologie, 27.
  • Rohn, H. (2012). Nachhaltige Ernährungswirtschaft und Ernährung - Herausforderung und Chancen für das Lebensmittelhandwer,  unter Mitarbeit von Kristin Leismann. In K. Bizer & K. Haverkamp (Hrsg.), Nachhaltigkeit im Handwerk. Mecke.