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Doctoral students

Ongoing doctoral theses

Name Topic of dissertation

Rahier, Lisa Marie (née Borghoff)

Process quality of organic food (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Carola Strassner)

Chrubasik, Nadine

Sustainability transformation using the example of a university

Elsner, Friederike

The role of initiatives and their human actors in sustainability transitions of food systems (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Carola Strassner)

Herrlich, Lara

Guest lecturer and doctorate scholarship holder in the project BDEconomy

Jost, Sonja

Functional Foods in Europe (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Marc Birringer)

von Redecker, Sophie

Agrarian Humanities

Siebert, Robin

Strategic framing in the agricultural science discourse on the potentials and uncertainties of the new methods of genome editing (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Marc Birringer)

Stoll, Evelyne 

Integrated analysis of dietary patterns and agricultural practices for sustainable food systems in Luxembourg (Co-supervision: Dr Christian Schader)

Supesuntorn, Kulawal (Phaiy)

Sustainability Reporting in South-East Asia

Walkiewicz, Juliana

Regionality in the food supply

Completed doctoral theses

Name Topic of the dissertation
Fehr, Andreas Composting biogenic waste materials as resource management and contribution to climate protection (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Hardy Vogtmann)
Ghosh, Biswaraj Controlling for Sustainability Strategies: Evidence from the UK (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Musa Mangena)
Hahne, Janalisa

The relation of nature and food business – an investigation through ecological accounts from the food sector

Kissi, Evans Governance for Decent Work in Agricultural Globalisation (Co-supervision: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Y. Tenkorang)
Kretschmer, Sebastian Sustainable Development Goals Drivers in Food Systems (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Johannes Kahl and Prof Dr Bettina Langfeldt)
Küchler, Rebekka Sustainability assessment in small and medium enterprises of the food sector (Co-supervision: Prof Dr Birte Nicolai)
Stefanovic, Liliana

Principles for monitoring the UN Sustainable Development Goals in organic food and nutrition systems (co-supervision: Prof Dr Johannes Kahl and Prof Dr Freytag-Leyer)

Tran, Thuy Thanh Diffusion of Material Flow Cost Accounting and Its Contribution to Sustainable Development