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GCSC Travel Grants

Next deadline: The next meetings of the Executive Board will take place on 19 June, and 17 July. Please submit your applications by 10 June for the June meeting, and by 8 July for the July meeting to ensure sufficient time for feedback.


Eligibility for travel grant applications:

PhD student members and postdoctoral fellows at the GCSC become eligible to apply for travel grants after 3 months of membership. Depending on their financial scale, the GCSC will usually fund 3-5 research and conference trips per person.

How to proceed:

If we have any questions regarding your travel claim, you will receive feedback from the Team Graduate Studies before we officially pass your application on to the Executive Board.


JLU staff (also applies to WiMis and AHKs) must include in addition:

  • the “Dienstreiseanzeige” form, which you may submit along with your application;
  • for trips within the EU, the European Economic Area, or Switzerland, and depending on the destination and length of your trip, a “Bescheinigung A1”. Please check the JLU’s guidelines (German only) and, if necessary, download the appropriate form, or get in touch with Lena Nüchter (Team Graduate Studies) if you have questions.


More environmentally friendly travelling

Since 2022, the GCSC no longer reimburses costs for short-haul flights.
Journeys to destinations within Germany, or international destinations that can be reached within 8 hours with max. 3 changes, should be made by train. If you require an exception from this rule, please speak to the Team Graduate Studies before making your application.

In 2024, the JLU released its Directive for Greener Business Trips, which is now in effect in addition to the GCSC's rules.


Please contact Lena Nüchter for further details:

+49 641 / 99-30 056 (Office)

Office hour: Tuesdays 2-4 p.m.