Additional Projects and Activities

Digital Spring Cleaning
Right at the start of each spring, the Digital Transformation Office would like to work with you to clean up and better structure your digital files and mailboxes.

Digital Day 2024
Save the Date On June 7, 2024, the nationwide Digital Day will take place again. And we will be there. This year's focus is on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. We are currently accepting ideas for campaigns and contributions. Be part of it!

MyJLU combines all of the important, central platforms and provides information about university studies in one user-friendly mobile application for your smartphone.

Web Forms
Forms that used to be printed out and signed by hand can simply be converted into web forms with onboard resources from our content management system (CMS).

Circulars of the Future
In this project, we will first inventory the circulars currently published on the web and then migrate them from PDF files to web pages.

Collab roll-out
Collab is a platform for collaboration that is being rolled out at JLU. The focus is on the users' perspective.

Digital Map (DigiLandkarte)
The Digital Map is a project of the Association of German University Chancellors. It provides an overview of digital transformation projects at their universities.