Document Actions

Research & teaching worldwide

The internationalisation of studies, teaching and research has been one of JLU's strategic priorities for many years. For postdocs at JLU, there are therefore numerous opportunities to expand their own research profile internationally. For example, you can benefit from existing agreements and networks at JLU - the International Office can advise you on these matters.

You can find out how internationality is weighted in your academic environment, whether a stay abroad is advisable, where such a stay could take place, and what period of time seems reasonable for working on a (sub-)research project. A teaching stay abroad can also be used to build up an international network or to prepare a research project.

As a postdoc at JLU, you can benefit from existing agreements and networks at JLU - the International Office at JLU can advise you on this.

If you are looking for a position at a university or research institution abroad, you can find it, for example, via the EURAXESS Germany job exchange.

Funding for travel abroad and international research projects

Die Internationalisierung von Studium, Lehre und Forschung gehört seit vielen Jahren zu den strategischen Schwerpunkten der JLU. Für Postdocs an der JLU stehen daher zahlreiche Angebote zur Verfügung das eigene Forschungsprofil auch international zu erweitern.

Sie können sich in Ihrem wissenschaftlichen Umfeld erkundigen, wie Internationalität gewichtet wird, ob sich ein Auslandsaufenthalt empfiehlt, wo ein solcher stattfinden könnte, und welcher Zeitraum für die Bearbeitung eines (Teil-)Forschungsprojektes sinnvoll erscheint. Auch ein Lehraufenthalt im Ausland kann zum Aufbau eines internationalen Netzwerks oder zur Vorbereitung eines Forschungsprojekts genutzt werden.

Als Postdoc an der JLU können Sie von schon bestehenden Abkommen und Netzwerken der JLU profitieren - das International Office der JLU berät Sie gerne.

Suchen Sie eine Stelle an einer Hochschule oder Forschungseinrichtung im Ausland, finden Sie diese zum Beispiel über die Stellenbörse von EURAXESS Deutschland.

Förderungen für Auslandsreisen und internationale Forschungsprojekte

JLU and other sponsors support your stay abroad. From conference or lecture trips to highly regarded junior research groups, we have compiled some funding opportunities for you.

Postdocs Fund

The PCMO would like to support postdocs at JLU to exchange current scientific knowledge with their scientific community, to expand and consolidate their network and to develop their professional and interdisciplinary skills. Therefore, we sponsor your next conference or training trip. Further information can be found here.

Further funding opportunities

DAAD Lecture Travel Programme

This programme promotes the lecture activities of German academics and scientists abroad

Travel grants from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation

For postdoctoral research stays in Germany and abroad with a research project in the humanities, social sciences or biomedicine.

ERASMUS+ at Justus Liebig University

Further education and short-term lectureships abroad for postdocs of all subjects at partner universities of the JLU.

Scholarship database of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Comprehensive database on funding opportunities from German organisations, search by subject and destination country

Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.) of the DAAD

Supports international mobility in the postdoctoral phase by providing funding for a 12-month phase abroad and a six-month integration phase at a German university.

DAAD Research Grants for Young Academics and Scientists with a Doctorate (Postdoc Programme)

A three- to six-month scholarship for a research stay abroad for postdocs of all subjects.

Short- and long-term lectureships of the DAAD

The DAAD arranges and supports long-term and short-term lectureships at foreign universities via the "Placement Office for German Academics Abroad at the DAAD".

Walter Benjamin Programme of the DFG

Funding for an independent research project to be carried out at an institution in Germany or abroad for postdocs of all subjects and for a maximum of 2 years.

Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

For postdocs up to 4 years after gaining their doctorate in all research fields to sponsor a six to 24-month research stay at an institute abroad. Applicants choose a host from around 15,000 researchers from the Humboldt Network abroad. The AvH also sponsors foreign postdocs on a research stay in Germany

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships of the European Commission

Funding for postdocs from the EU or associated countries who wish to carry out a) research projects within the EU or in associated countries lasting 12-24 months (European Fellowships), or b) research projects outside the EU lasting 24-36 months including a compulsory return phase of 12 months in Europe (Global Fellowships).

European Research Council - ERC Starting Grants

One of the most prestigious grants for postdocs in all research fields two to seven years after their doctorate who wish to start their own independent career and establish their own research group in an EU country or a country associated with the EU.

Funding programme for postdocs of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Scholarships for postdocs up to seven years after their doctorate from Germany (and Austria and Switzerland in the case of a stay in Germany) from natural science and medical disciplines for projects at renowned research institutions abroad.