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funding opportunities for postdocs

Reference to alternative funds of the JLU:

The Open Access publication fund of the JLU helps authors financing article processing charges (APCs) in Open Access journals. For APCs up to 2.000 € the JLU OA publication fund covers 50% of the costs. APCs above 2.000 € can be supported by JLU funds with 1.000 € (incl. VAT). As junior scientist in their PhD process or with a PhD-graduation that is not older than five year the JLU OA publication fund covers 75% and a maximum of 1.500 €. Further information can be found here.

The Sustainability Fund finances sustainability projects, activities and initiatives at Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU). The prerequisites for funding are that the projects have a clear sustainability focus and that the planned activities contribute to the sustainable development of JLU. Applications can be submitted to the Office for Sustainability (BfN) three times a year. Further information on the Sustainability Fund can be found here.

In the area of equal opportunities, we would like to draw your attention to three funding opportunities for female postdocs and tenure-track professors with family responsibilities. Student assistants can apply for temporary support from the Student Assistants Fund in order to have more time for research. For additional costs incurred when travelling with children or for additional childcare, there is the fund for travel costs for business trips with children and the fund for additional childcare costs. Please also note the other funding instruments of the Equal Opportunities Office.

There are also various instruments to support postdocs in the area of research funding. Internal research funding includes the following areas, among others: Research Grants, Just'us Postdoctoral Programme, Research Support Fund and Flexi-Funds (Research Campus Mittelhessen). 

Postdocs have the opportunity to be funded up to €5,000 for the production of a scientific publication or a corresponding published research achievement in the field of science communication or open science as part of the JLU's funding programme for junior researchers. Activities eligible for funding in this context include stays abroad, networking meetings, data collections, the recruitment of research assistants, etc.. For more detailed information on the application modalities, please click here.

The Justus Liebig University (JLU) Early Career Researcher Grant supports independent and career-effective research projects of early career researchers at JLU, which should result in a scientific publication or a corresponding published research output in the field of science communication or open science. The planned research projects should be convincing in terms of their scientific quality and should effectively promote the individual scientific career of the applicant. Ideally, the project output will contribute to an improvement of the applicant’s qualifications relevant to assessments in e.g. future third-party funding applications within a reasonable amount of time. More information you can find here.

Information on alternative DAAD funding programmes:

The congress travel programme promotes the active participation of academics in international congresses and conferences (face-to-face and online). Active participation is defined as the presentation of one's own lecture or poster, or the main responsibility for the conception and management of a panel. A flat-rate allowance for travelling costs, accommodation and material costs is offered for attendance. For online participation, participation costs, membership costs for a maximum of 1 year and the abstract costs will be refunded in return for proof of participation.

The presentation travel programme funds presentations by German academics abroad outside of congresses and conferences. The programme is intended to enable researchers to make use of written invitations from colleagues abroad to report on their own scientific work outside of congresses and conferences. The programme offers a financial contribution towards travel costs in the amount of the respective valid travel allowance.

The bilateral researcher exchange programme supports research stays at a foreign university or research institute. You should take part in the exchange for at least 14 days (for stays in EU countries and in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Moldova: at least 7 days). The DAAD pays a flat-rate travel allowance depending on the destination country. The costs of the stay are paid by the foreign partner (please contact them) and may vary depending on the destination country and partner organisation. The programme is aimed at researchers from Germany. You should have a PhD and be working at universities and research institutions in Germany. It is also possible to apply if you do not have German citizenship.

The DAAD Lecturer Programme provides funding for a short-term lectureship, usually lasting at least four weeks, at a university abroad that is accredited by the state.