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Activity 3 – Goal 3

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The president’s lecture series traditionally takes place in the university auditorium. As a hybrid format, however, it can be accessed worldwide at the same time (photo: Roland Duss).
The president’s lecture series traditionally takes place in the university auditorium. As a hybrid format, however, it can be accessed worldwide at the same time (photo: Roland Duss).

HF3 – Goal 3: JLU will provide a high-performance technical infrastructure.

Excellent and forward-looking research and teaching require a modern and sustainable infrastructure. JLU has set itself the goal of continuously expanding its digital infrastructure. In addition to equipping premises with basic equipment in line with requirements, this includes proactive operation of software and systems with relevant updates or even restrictions in the event of critical changes. 

JLU sees great, innovative potential in the ongoing development of campus areas into a virtual and hybrid teaching, learning, and working space and is increasingly focusing on this. Working conditions can be designed flexibly and mobile working made possible, which increases the quality of research, teaching, and administration (cf. Studium und Lehre an der JLU: Strategie 2030; pp. 36).


Subgoals and Indicators


Subgoal HF3 – 3.1.
JLU will have rooms with high-performance technical equipment in the areas of research, teaching, and administration.

Indicator HF3 – 3.1.1.
JLU will have adopted a concept for minimum technical standards for rooms by 2024 in order to ensure performance.

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Digitalisierungsstrategie der JLU Gießen