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Past Events

Thursday, 30 January 2025, at 16:00

Dr. Benedict Tan, University of Marburg

"Mechanisms of mitochondrial transcription regulation"

Seminar Room C 106, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 21 January 2025, 13:00 - 18:00

Seminar Room B 029, Institute of Biochemistry, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Speakers: Ahmad Altoun, Kai Wallerang, Theresa Dietz, Hanna Steede

Thursday, 12 December 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Gunter Meister, Regensburg University

"Insights into post-transcriptional gene silencing pathways and RNA degradation processes"

Seminar Room C 107, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 26 November 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Chase Beisel, Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research, Würzburg

"CRISPR at the fringe"

Seminar Room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Katharina Höfer, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, Marburg

Thursday, 14 November 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Petra Dersch, Universität Münster

“Mutual reprogramming of Yersinia and host responses during infection”

Seminar Room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Elena Evguenieva-Hackenberg, Institute for Microbiology and Molecular Biology, FB08, JLU

Monday, 4 November & Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Getting money for your research and yourself: A funding workshop

Research funding is not a charitable activity where "worthy causes" appear quite obvious; rather it's a brutally pragmatic process in which a funder wants to know with the highest possible likelihood that the granted money will produce something of high impact. It is very far from obvious, at face value, how much "return" a funder will gain on the "investment". Yes, these are the (business) terms in which we should be thinking! Another is "competition". That seems obvious: of course you are in competition when applying for funding, but with whom exactly, or -- more accurately -- with what, exactly, are you in competition in the eyes of the funder? Research never speaks for itself: it needs to be "animated", so to speak, and placed in context. So, when the chips are down, if you don't do a good job of speaking (writing) for your research in a grant application, you simply won't get the money: it's as mathematical as that!

In this course, we'll analyze and practice the particular technical skills and preparation that you need to make a grant application that stands the highest possible chance of success; we'll look into how you can optimize your "position" with regard to certain crucial dimensions of research that are explicitly, or implicitly, in most funders' criteria. Understanding grant calls is a crucial skill, and we'll also take a look at how to find appropriate granting programmes for your particular scientific area. Finally we'll rehearse a grant application scenario via a game in which participants are tested on their written and verbal skills of persuasion!

Timeline: day 1 & day 2: 10:00 - 16:00 with 1 hour lunch break

Seminar room B 029, Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Coach: Andrew Moore

Thursday, 31 October 2024, at 16:00

Dr. Andreas Mayer, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin

"Mechanisms of gene expression control by BET bromodomain proteins and beyond"

Seminar Room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Monday, 28 October 2024, at 16:00

Dr. Sophie Korn, Columbia University, New York

"Dynamic protein-RNA interactions at the virus-host interface"

Seminar Room B 029, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 10 October 2024, 13:40 - 17:00

Speakers: Sophie Stebel, Jorina Eckersberg, Jan Weber & Nils Maier

Seminar Room B 029, New Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Thursday, 19 September 2024, at 16:00

Dr. Sina Wittmann, Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz

"Surface condensation of the transcription factor Klf4 - a new view on gene activation"

Seminar Room C 107, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Monday, 15 July - Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Location: Martin-Niemöller-Haus, Schmitten, Taunus

Thursday, 6 June 2024, at 16:00

Dr. Markus Höpfler, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

"Mechanism of selective mRNA degradation at the ribosome"

Seminar room B 301, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Monday, 6 May 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Achim Aigner, Leipzig University

"Bringing RNA towards pharmacological translation: polymeric nanoparticles for therapeutic RNA delivery"

Lecture hall C 1, Chemistry lecture hall building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Oliver Rossbach, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 18 April 2024, 13:00 - 18:00

Speakers: Jessica Fedrau, Yannic Noe, Fabienne Becker, Daniel Bauer, Palina Kot & Jennifer Kothe

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Wednesday, 10 April - Friday, 12 April 2024

Dynamics in chromatin organization and RNA regulation: adaptation, infection - and beyond

The symposium is a joint venture with the EU-funded Marie Curie Innovative Training Network "Cell2Cell - role of cellular heterogeneity in chromatin structures in pathogen infections" and brings together international speakers and local experts in chromatin organization, RNA regulation, and pathogen biology. Keynote speakers are former FMI Basel Director Susan Gasser (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Lausanne), Schraga Schwartz (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot), and Bas van Steensel (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam). A welcome reception will take place on day 1, followed by a poster session on day 2, offering ample opportunity for scientific interactions. For a detailed programme and to register, please check the symposium website. Registration will be open till Friday, 15 March.

Location: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Main Building, Assembly Hall

Ludwigstr. 23, 35390 Giessen

Tuesday, 9 April, 10:00 - 16:00

What Comes Next

This workshop aims at helping you identify and begin to prepare for your next career step. Moreover, you will further develop your capacity to take responsibility and acquire basic tools to support you in day-to-day supervision.

Seminar room B 029, Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Trainers: Conor John Fitzsimons, Leadership Sculptor

Monday, 8 April, 10:00 - 17:30

Introduction to Project Management

This workshop will introduce you to basic project management tools, help you identify and overcome obstacles to your scientific maturation, and explore and develop some new research ideas.

Seminar room B 029, Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Trainer: Conor John Fitzsimons, Leadership Sculptor

Monday, 18 March & Tuesday, 19 March 2024, both 9:00 - 16:00

Introduction to Galaxy analyses & Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis

Galaxy is a worldwide open source project with the European Galaxy Server being the biggest instance in Europe with more than 85,000 users. The Freiburg Galaxy Team is hosting this server in Freiburg. Through Galaxy as a gateway, we are offering free access to a huge computational cloud infrastructure, databases and 3,200 bioinformatics tools which can be used by a graphical user interface instead of command-line. There is no need for programming or informatics skills - you just need a web browser (e.g. chrome or firefox). We will have demonstrations and work together on detailed E-learning step-by-step-instructions of the Galaxy Training Material.

Location: Computer room I 024a

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, JLU

Trainers: Dr. Anika Erxleben, Universität Freiburg, European Galaxy Team; Jochen Blom, Sven Griep & Oliver Rupp, Justus Liebig University Giessen, de.NBI BIGI; Fabienne Thelen, Justus Liebig University Giessen, RTG 2355

Thursday, 14 March 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Mark Helm, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

"RNA modification damage"

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Maximilian Staps, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim

Monday, 4 March 2024, at 16:15

Prof. Dr. Tobias Jakobi, University of Arizona, Phoenix

"Computational detection and analysis of circular RNAs in the heart"

Lecture hall C 2, Chemistry lecture hall building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Jochen Blom, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Group, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 27 February 2024, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Danny Nedialkova, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried & Technical University of Munich

"Translational control in development and differentiation"

Lecture hall C 2, Chemistry lecture hall building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Cornelia Kilchert, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 20 February 2024, at 15:00

Prof. Dr. Federica Accornero, Brown University, Rhode Island

"RNA methylation in the regulation of muscle homeostasis"

Lecture hall C 103, Chemistry lecture hall building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Maximilian Staps, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim

Wednesday, 14 February & Thursday, 15 February 2024

Presenting for success - Designing and delivering scientific talks

The workshop starts with a brief recap of some principles that all presenters need to bear in mind for addressing any audience. Drawing on these, we will then dig into the practical consequences for designing a presentation and structuring its information content for maximum effect. Even more practically (!) we will consider things such as where to stand, how to speak and move, and the physical relationship between presenter and audience. Interspersed throughout the workshop we will have the pleasure of being the audience for presentations made by you, the participants. Please, therefore, make a brief presentation of your work in powerpoint or similar, and be prepared to present it at the workshop without exceeding 5 minutes.

Timeline: day 1 & day 2: 10:00 - 16:00 with 1 hour lunch break

Seminar room B 029, Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Coach: Andrew Moore

Thursday, 1 February 2024, at 16:00

Dr. Sonja Lorenz, Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Göttingen

“Structural mechanism of the ubiquitin ligase HACE1”

Seminar room C 107, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 14:15 - 18:00

Session 1: Dr. Alexa McIntyre, Universität Zürich

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Session 2: Kai Wallerang, JLU & Sara Hettrich, MPI Bad Nauheim

Chair: Fabienne Becker, JLU

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Tuesday, 12 December 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Markus Landthaler, Max Delbrück Center Berlin

"Posttranscriptional regulation in cellular space and time"

Seminar room C 103, Chemistry Lecture Hall, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU


Monday, 4 December & Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Scientific presentations – Concise content, storytelling & slide decks

Within this 1,5 day-workshop, participants will learn to deliver high quality scientific talks with ease. Key elements are (1) to learn how to simplify complex content without losing precision, (2) to incorporate storytelling elements to communicate complex ideas effectively and (3) to create visually appealing slide decks that enhance comprehension. To this end, the training combines short, digestible learning snippets with interactive practice sessions, ensuring that participants have ample opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge in a supportive environment providing valuable feedback.

Timeline: day 1: 8:30 - 17:30 with 1 hour lunch break, day 2: 9:00 - 14:00

Pizza & personalized tips on day 1 for those who are willing to stay late.

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Coach: Simon Klug

The follow-up workshop Scientific presentations – Pitching, key messages & stage presence – is scheduled for the first week of February 2024.

Thursday, 30 November 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Beatrix Süß, Technische Universität Darmstadt

"Next-level riboswitch development - Implementation of Capture-SELEX allows fast and easy identification of synthetic riboswitches"

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 14 November 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Maria Hondele, Biozentrum Basel

"DEAD-box ATPases are global regulators of phase-separated organelles and RNA flux”
Seminar room C 103, Chemistry Lecture Hall, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Cornelia Kilchert, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU


Thursday, 9 November & Friday, 10 November 2023

Think before you write - Properly representing your research in the online age and understanding publishing

The workshop starts with insights into the cognitive psychology of readers, from which we will draw very practical consequences for writing and structuring our manuscripts. There will be short exercises and longer assignments for participants throughout the workshop, and all participants should submit a title and abstract of their work before the course: these will be worked on during the workshop with input from the workshop coach.

Timeline: day 1 & day 2: 10:00 - 16:00 with 1 hour lunch break

Seminar room B 029, Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Coach: Andrew Moore

Thursday, 2 November 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Utz Fischer, Universität Würzburg

"Making mRNA in the wrong compartment: how poxviruses express their genes in the cytoplasm of a host"

Seminar room C 107, Chemistry Lecture Hall, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU


Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 16:00 - 18:00

Unconscious bias II - online follow-up

Coach: Anna Schwark & Maria Prahl, Working Between Cultures

Thursday, 19 October 2023, at 16:00

Dr. Björn Rotter, GenXPro, Frankfurt

"RNA-based information for therapeutic decision support for cancer"

Seminar room B 202, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Jochen Blom, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology group, JLU


Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 13:00 - 18:00

Unconscious bias I

Navigating the academic journey with clarity & empathy: unconscious bias awareness for scientists

In this mandatory half-day workshop, we will uncover unconscious biases in our environment and in ourselves, understand the origins of these biases and recognize how they affect our day-to-day lives on all levels. We will experience a change of perspective and learn how to navigate stereotypes to shape an (academic) environment based on mutual respect and empathy in which everybody's ideas can be heard.

Seminar room B 201, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

An online follow-up workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, 24 October, 16:00 - 18:00.

Coach: Anna Schwark, Working Between Culture


Wednesday, 4 October - Saturday, 7 October 2023

12th Meeting of the GBM Study Section "RNA Biochemistry" & Workshop "Advanced RNA Sequencing"

Tagungs- und Gästehaus CJD Castell, Graurheindorfer Str. 149, Bonn

Keynote speakers: Danny Nedialkova, MPI of Biochemistry Martinsried & TU Munich & Maria Hondele, Biozentrum, University of Basel

Click for Programme & further information


Thursday, 28 September 2023, 12:30 - 18:00

RMU-RNA Salon "Genomics approaches in RNA biology" - 11. Minisymposium "RNA virus research"

Lecture Hall C 5b, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Giessen

Keynote speakers: Susanne Herold, UKGM Gissen & John Ziebuhr, JLU Giessen

Click for Flyer & Registration


Wednesday, 20 September & Thursday, 21 September 2023

16th GGL Annual Conference

Physics Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 14, Giessen

GGL doctoral researchers of all ten research sections will contribute to the programme and present their results. Each session will be opened by a guest speaker who is an expert in the specific field. Prizes will be awarded in the categories best talk and best photograph.

Click for Conference Website & Programme

Thursday, 20 July 2023, at 16:00

Dr. Gabrijela Dumbovic, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

"RNA localization controls RNA function"

Lecture hall C 2, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Theresa Gerhardt, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim


Wednesday, 5 July - Friday, 7 July 2023

Joint retreat with RTG 2344

Location: Bad Dürkheim, Rheinland-Pfalz


Wednesday, 28 June - Friday, 30 June 2023

Programming with R

Oliver Rupp, Sven Griep, Patrick Barth, Fabienne Thelen, Karina Brinkrolf, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology group, JLU

This workshop will provide a general introduction to programming with R, data visualization with ggplot2 and statistical tests, using RNA-seq data as an example. Previous knowledge in R is not required.

Tuesday, 20 June 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Michaela Müller-McNicoll, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

"The role of subcellular architecture in the regulation of gene expression during stress"

Seminar room B 201, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Ebru Aydin, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 15 June 2023, 13:00 - 18:00

Speakers: Fabienne Becker, Alexander Goesmann, Fabian Dross, Cornelia Kilchert, Oliver Rossbach & Kiriaki Kouti

Chairs: Maximilian Staps, Yannic Noe & Ebru Aydin

Lecture hall C 1, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Monday, 5 June 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Julia Weigand, Philipps-Universität Marburg

"mRNA structure shapes human and viral gene regulation"

Seminar room C 103, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Oliver Rossbach, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU


Wednesday, 31 May 2023

Introduction to LaTex

Dr. Jochen Blom, Bioinformatics & Systems Biology group, JLU

Introduction to the software including hands-on training.

Tuesday, 16 May 2023, at 16:00

Dr. Julian König, Institute of Molecular Biology, Mainz

"RNA stability controlled by m6A methylation mediates X-to-autosome dosage compensation in mammals"

Seminar room B 201, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Maximilian Staps, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim

Tuesday, 2 May 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Harald Schwalbe, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

"Understanding the mechanism of translational and transcriptional riboswitches"

Seminar room B 201, IFZ, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 27 April 2023, at 13:00

Speakers: Ebru Aydin, Ahmad Altoun, Katja Sträßer, Sophie Stebel, Maximilian Staps & Lyudmila Shalamova

Chair: Jennifer Kothe, Theresa Gerhardt & Daniel Bauer

Lecture hall C 1, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Monday, 27 March 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Steven West, University of Exeter

"A good beginning makes for a great ending: mechanisms of promoter-proximal transcriptional termination"

Lecture hall C 2, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Theresa Gerhardt, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim

Thursday, 16 March 2023, at 16:00

Dr. Marco Preußner, Freie Universität Berlin

"Mechanisms and functional consequences of regulated 3' splice site selection after step 1 of splicing"

Lecture hall C 1, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Oliver Rossbach, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 7 March 2023, at 16:00

Speakers: Theresa Gerhardt, Katharina Höfer & Peter Friedhoff

Chair: Kai Wallerang

Online (BigBlueButton)

Thursday, 2 March 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Steckelberg, Columbia University, New York

"Viral RNA structures as master manipulators of cellular machinery"

Lecture hall C 1, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 23 February 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Argyris Papantonis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

"RNA and speckles shaping the senescent nucleus"

Lecture hall C 2, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Ebru Aydin, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Thursday, 2 February 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Stefan Janssen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen

"RNA secondary structure prediction"

Lecture hall C 5b, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

RTG2355/2 kick-off meeting

Tuesday, 24 January 2023, at 14:15

Voting of the new Steering Committee

Speakers: Patrick Barth, Elene Evguenieva-Hackenberg, Yannic Noe, Thomas Böttger

Chairs: Jacqueline Böhme & Ahmad Altoun

Lecture hall C 5a, Chemistry building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Thursday, 19 January 2023, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Petra Wendler, Universität Potsdam

"Cryo-EM resolution revolution: now seeing electrons"

Lecture hall II (Room 32), Physics building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 14, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU