Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Upcoming Events

Thursday & Friday, 20 & 21 February 2025

Good Scientific Practice - on-site workshop for PhD candidates

Seminar Room B 029, New Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Trainer: Daniel Mertens, Schiller & Mertens

Tuesday, 25 February 2025, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüttelmaier, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

"Targeting RNA-binding proteins in cancer therapy"

Seminar Room C 103, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Good Scientific Practice - online workshop for PIs

Trainer: Daniel Mertens, Schiller & Mertens

Tuesday, 11 March 2025, at 16:00

Dr. Matti Turtola, University of Turku

Seminar Room C 103, Chemistry Lecture Hall Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, Gießen

Host: Ebru Aydin & Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 29 April & Wednesday, 30 April 2025

GMP and pharmaceutical products

Deviations from the predefined conditions during manufacturing and processing of pharmaceutical or biological medicinal products could have serious impact on the health status of the user/patient. Therefore, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is laying down regulations for the manufacturing, quality control and clinical processing in pharmaceutical industry.

You are a Ph.D. student and want to start in a pharmaceutical company after your degree? This seminar conveys the basics of the GMP quality assurance system in Germany, Europe and world-wide and the responsibilities of the different key personnel inside pharmaceutical companies.

Seminar Room B 029, New Chemistry Building, JLU

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17, Gießen

Trainer: Heinrich Prinz, PDM Consulting & Christoph Prinz, BioNTech SE

Tuesday, 6 May 2025, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Monika Wolkers, Amsterdam University Medical Center

Location: tba

Host: Andreas Krueger, Institute of Molecular Immunology, FB08, JLU

Wednesday, 11 June 2025, at 16:00

Dr. Eva Kowalinski, EMBL Grenoble

Location: tba

Host: Palina Kot, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU

Tuesday, 17 June 2025, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Vigo Heissmeyer, LMU & Helmhotz Munich

Location: tba

Host: Andreas Krueger, Institute of Molecular Immunology, FB08, JLU

Wednesday, 3 December 2025, at 16:00

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Protzer, Technical University of Munich

Location: tba

Host: Katja Sträßer, Institute of Biochemistry, FB08, JLU