Synchronous Tools for Communication and Collaboration
The JLU offers tools for the synchronous communication and collaboration (such as Webex or MS 365 Teams) in different contexts.
- Teaching
- The JLU offers the following tools for use in teaching. Please take note that the tools “Cisco Webex” and “Office 365 Education/Teams (A1)” should not be used in the context of research.
- General Information
Synchronous (simultaneous) virtual teaching scenarios demand requirements of the IT infrastructure that are not always feasible (i.e. lack of equipment/other problems on the student’s side; bandwidth at place of residence; current strain on the networks).
Especially in the context of teaching it is sensical to consider asynchronous teaching formats in your curriculum. You will find more information on this via the AG Lehre. You may also contact them using their e-mail address:
- DFNconf (Pexip)
- Planned meetings, offered by the DFN association, requires log-in, simple handling, small groups of 5-6 people and use in off-peak hours recommended
- Microsoft Office 365 Education / Teams (A1)
- Collaborative Working on Office Documents, Group Work, Chat/Video Chat, File Sharing
- Information on the use of Zoom
- Here you will find the JLU’s regulations on the use of Zoom.
- Selection Guide
Selection based on number of participants:
- up to about 5 participants: DFNconf, Cisco Webex, Office 365 Teams
- more than about 5 participants: Cisco Webex, Office 365 Teams
- more than about 50 participants: Cisco Webex
Selection based on type of event:
- Seminar: Cisco Webex Meetings, Office 365 Teams
- Lecture: Cisco Webex Events
- Training exercise, practical training: Cisco Webex Meeting
Selection based on tool:
- Cisco Webex Meetings, DFNconf: planned meetings, the meeting leader determines the start of the meeting
- Office 365 Teams: similar to other modern group chats, communication runs synchronous as well as asynchronous, the communication platform is open to participants at all times
- Technical Recommendations for the Conduct of Web Conferences
- FAQ of technical issues/headset tests/recommendations for special room systems that are used for the conduct of web conferences with several people present in one room
- Forschung
- In Kontext von Forschung sollte sehr sensibel damit umgegangen werden, auf welchen Systemen Kommunikation und Austausch stattfindet. Diese Systeme sollten ein Höchstmaß an Vertrauenswürdigkeit aufweisen. Daher stellen wir Ihnen in diesem Kontext ein Angebot zur Verfügung, welches aus den Servern der JLU bzw. auf Servern hoch vertrauenswürdiger Partner betrieben wird.
- Verwaltung/Organisation
- Zur Unterstützung von Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit in der Verwaltung sowie innerhalb und zwischen Arbeitsgruppen an der JLU, stellen wir Ihnen ein Werkzeug zur Verfügung, um die textbasierte und audiovisuelle Kommunikation zu unterstützen.