Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Special Services

CV Checks - there are no more open appointments

Please note: There are only limited places available that will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis.  Please register before 06 March 2024, if you would like your CV to be checked. Because registration does not guarantee a CV check, you will be notified of your personal slot and CV coach approximately one week prior to the event via E-Mail. Checks in both languages will not be possible. Slots will be 45 min each. Your CV coaches will expect you to hand in your CV and ideally a cover letter and job advertisement by 12 March 2024 at the latest.

Interested participants who could not secure a slot for a CV-Check during the Career Day can also contact the Hochschulteam of Agentur für Arbeit Gießen to request an individual slot. You can call +49 641 9393 345 or send an email to For more information please check:


CV Check German

The university team of the federal employment office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) will support you on how to edit and improve your CV. Your CV coaches this year will be Iris Heilgendorf, Angela Meyer-Fenderl and Silke Garrotti.


CV Check English

Andrew Cerniski from English Inc. will join us at the GGL Career Day to provide professional support for the creation, improvement and editing of your CV. Additionally, the university team of the federal employment office (Iris Heilgendorf and Angela Meyer-Fenderl) will support you on how to edit and improve your CV.


Meet a Recruitment Agency

Visit the information point of Lamm HR in the Foyer – next to our registration - and get your questions about job applications and entry positions started.