Integra-Stipendienantrag für einen studienvorbereitenden Deutsch-Intensivkurs

Application for an Integra Grant for a German intensive course prior to studying for a degree


Gerfördert vom DAAD aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF).


Sponsored by DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

I cofirm that I do not receive any funding from other institutions (except BAföG, if applicable). I will immediately inform the university of any changes that might influence the payment of the grant.
I agree that my personal data is stored and used by the International Office of JLU Giessen for the purpose of processing this application. Once my application has been processed my personal data will be deleted.
Antragstellerin bzw. Antragsteller / Applicant
Please enter your surname
Please enter your first name
Bitte wählen Sie ein Land oder wählen Sie die Option "Auswahl nicht möglich" ganz unten / Please choose a country or "none of the above" at the bottom of the list
Please enter the type of your residence permit
Unterlagen / Uploads

Bitte fügen Sie diesem Antrag folgende Unterlagen bei / Please upload the following documents: