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One Is Not Born but Is Made a Sex Robot: Feminist Perspectives on Sex Robot Regulation

Gastvortrag von Rüya Tuna Toparlak im Rahmen von Greta Olson's Seminar "The Pornification of Culture?"


27.01.2025 von 14:00 bis 16:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Phil. I, B 428

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Advancements in AI and robotics have led to humans now having intimate sexual relationships with robots. Almost exclusively, sex robots are produced with hyper-sexualised women’s bodies. This gendered production arguably strengthens patriarchal expectations of female obedience, fragility, and submission and may perpetuate violence against women.
The production of sex robots and human’s sexual relations with robots raise many legal questions. To adopt a stance towards their regulation, the law needs to gain insight into sexual experiences with robots. Regulation should consider how the human subject experiences the robot object, and how the human subject’s gendered experience of the world is affected by these experiences. To inform regulation, my lecture considers how these technologies will affect the future of human relations.
Rüya Tuna Toparlak is a doctoral researcher at the University of Lucerne since November 2021. She began her doctorate under the supervision of Prof. Malte-C. Gruber and is currently being supervised by Prof. Vagias Karavas. In her dissertation, she examines the interaction between humans and robots and the effects on the constitution of the legal subject from a feminist-phenomenological perspective. She is broadly interested in the intersection of digitalisation, law and gender. She was recently a visiting researcher at Durham University in England. During her stay, she has conducted a research project with Prof. McGlynn on deepfake sexual abuse and co-authored a paper entitled ‘The New Voyeurism: Criminalising the Creation of “DeepFake Porn”’. Her publication list is accessible via her ORCID entry: