Guest Lecture by Dr. Carolin Gebauer: The Role of Images and Tropes in Contested Discourses on Migration
- Guest Lecture by Dr. Carolin Gebauer: The Role of Images and Tropes in Contested Discourses on Migration
- 2025-01-13T16:00:00+01:00
- 2025-01-13T18:00:00+01:00
13.01.2025 von 16:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
Phil. I, A 3 (Hörsaal), Zoom
Public debates on migration often produce polarizing narratives that fail to adequately represent the nature and causes of migration (De Haas 2023, 2). Analyzing such narratives, however, reveals a great deal about the cultural, political, and ideological views that shape our understanding of migration. In this talk, I will explore the “narrative-counter-narrative dynamics” (Lueg and Lundholt 2021) that came to the fore in the (news) media during the so-called European refugee crisis of 2015/16. I will show how the framing of migration as a situation of crisis at the time relied heavily on practices of worldmaking (Nünning et al. 2010) that served to promote contesting views of migration. My discussions will focus primarily on the role that tropes and images played in the context of these narrative contests, highlighting both the complementary and contradictory relationships between texts, concepts, and visuals.
Meeting-ID: 626 6854 4614
Kenncode: 119098