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Andreas Samus Dr.

Tel.: +49 (0)641 99-39366

Zeughaus, Room 306
Senckenbergstraße 3
35390 Gießen
Office hours:
by arrangement

Andreas Samus is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Chair of Consumer Research. His research interests broadly revolve around urban sustainability and human-nature relationships. He investigates how people can be encouraged to engage in biodiversity conservation and the influence of nature exposure in urban areas on psychological well-being and health. His research also focuses on human nature connectedness, such as its determinants and effects on pro-environmental behavior and psychological well-being. He applies concepts and methods from various fields, especially environmental psychology and urban ecology. Andreas collaborates with researchers from a wide variety of disciplines and has studied at universities in Germany, USA, New Zealand and Malaysia.


  • Urban sustainability
  • Nature connectedness
  • Pro-environmental behavior
  • Urban biodiversity
  • Psychological well-being


BP-136  Consumer behavior
BP-137  Human-environment interactions

MP-172  Nutrition and health behavior change 
MP-174  Healthy people – healthy planet

Vita data

2023 – today Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Consumer Research, Communication and Food Sociology
2019 - 2023 PhD Studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand
2016 - 2018

Master in Urban Culture, Society and Space at the University Duisburg-Essen
Master of Science

2012 – 2015 Bachelor in Psychology at the Fernuniversität Hagen
Bachelor of Science
2010 Studies abroad at the University Malaya, Malaysia

2008 – 2011

Bachelor in International Business und Marketing at the Whitworth University, USA
Bachelor of Science

CV (Stand März 2023)

Selected publications

  • Samus, A., Freeman, C., van Heezik, Y., Krumme, K., & Dickinson, K. J. M. (2022). How do urban green spaces increase well-being? The role of perceived wildness and nature connectedness. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 82, 101850.
  • Samus, A., Freeman, C., Dickinson, K. J. M., & van Heezik, Y. (2022). Relationships between nature connectedness, biodiversity of private gardens, and mental well-being during the Covid-19 lockdown. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 69, 127519.
  • Samus, A. (2017). Nach der Klinik ohne Arbeit. Defizite in der Nachsorge. (Without work after the clinic. Deficits of aftercare.) In N. Alsdorf, U. Engelbach, S. Flick, R. Haubl, & S. Voswinkel (Eds.), Psychische Erkrankungen in der Arbeitswelt. Analysen und Ansätze zur therapeutischen und betrieblichen Bewältigung (Mental illness in the working world. Analyses and approaches to coping in therapeutic and work contexts) (pp. 241-255). Transcript.