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MGH – Gutes auf Hessen

The State of Hesse and the marketing company Gutes aus Hessen (MGH) launched the "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN" quality label in 2003 after successful notification to the European Commission. After 15 years, the label can be found on many food products and indicates to consumers high quality and safe products with a traceable origin from the federal state of Hesse.

In order to measure the success of the "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN" quality label and the "Bio-Siegel - HESSEN" organic label, the professorship has been conducting consumer surveys since 2005. Awareness and attitudes of consumers towards the quality labels "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN" and "Bio-Siegel - HESSEN" are surveyed. These indicators make it possible to analyse consumer acceptance.

In order to be able to make statements about the economic effects of the quality label "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN", an annual survey of the turnover generated in the value chain of products labelled with the quality label and other criteria has been carried out since 2011. This enables a cost-benefit assessment to be made of participation in the "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN" quality and origin assurance system.

Indicators collected by the professorship in the course of these studies make it possible to compile a holistic picture of the success of the quality label "Geprüfte Qualität - HESSEN" and the "Bio-Siegel - HESSEN".