Document Actions

Current Projects

The aim of the LOEWE priority programme „Transformative Mixed Culture Systems for One Health“ (TRIO) is to develop sustainable and climate-resilient cultivation systems through the ecological and functional intensification of arable farming.

Scientists at the University of Kassel, together with experts at Justus Liebig University Giessen and Hochschule Geisenheim University, are studying the integration of deep-rooted medicinal and aromatic plants into agricultural crop rotations in order to make them more resilient to extreme weather conditions caused by climate change. Higher root biomass and flowering aspects of spice plants favour the storage of carbon in the soil and contribute to the promotion of biodiversity in the cultivated landscape. In this way, the LOEWE priority programme TRIO aims to make a contribution to sustainable and climate-resilient plant cultivation that is geared towards the health of soil, plants, animals, people and the planet.

The project partners involved are working in the four project areas:

PB A: Soil-plant interactions - investigation of ecological and physiological processes relevant to yield and ecosystem services;

PB B: Agrobiocenosis – analysis of the ecosystem services of microorganisms and insects

PB C: Modelling and upscaling - simulation of key environmental impacts, scaling of the simulation to entire Hesse and estimation of climate impacts on the crops studied

PB D: Socio-economic assessment - valorisation of the expected ecosystem services through true-cost accounting and determination of the preferences/value estimates of the various stakeholders

Our working group will focus on t he socio-economic valuation of ecosystem services of mixed cropping systems and preferences of farmers and consumers.

Researcher: MSc. Dejan. Toscano ( Dejan.Toscano )

Please find more information at the TRIO-Webpage: