Founding a New Section
GGS sections are established on the initiative of researchers - start-ups are possible and desired at any time!
Procedure for establishing new sections:
The procedure for founding a GGS section envisages the establishment of a GGS working group. If it is apparent that the working group is active in the long term (beyond one semester) and meets the quality standards of GGS sections (at least five regularly active doctoral candidates, at least one research colloquium per semester and the invitation of one external guest per year, inclusion of young scientists in the management level), the working group can be appointed to the Section upon request. Working groups as well as sections can submit applications for financial support for events promoting young talent at the GGS.
Send us an e-mail describing the section or working group you have planned with the following information:
- What is the name of the section / workgroup you are planning?
- What is the research focus of the section / working group you are planning?
- How does the section / working group to be formed contribute to the education and training of GGS doctoral students?
- Which medium and long-term objectives do you pursue with the planned section / working group?
- What activities do you plan to achieve these objectives?
- Who is your target audience in terms of member orientation?
- Who are the founding members of the planned section / working group (name, associated professorship, faculty, fields of research, academic status)?
The description should not exceed 7000 characters (including spaces). Please note that the association of Ph.D. researchers from at least two different scientific disciplines is a precondition for the formation of a GGS section / working group . The GGS steering committee decides on the introduction of new sections / working group.