Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management
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Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management
Mission Statement
The research interests of this interdisciplinary section cover the areas of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. Specific fields of interest include leadership; teamwork; new team-based forms of organization; the roles of hierarchy, power, status and influence; emotions in organizations; personnel diagnostics (e.g., applicant selection, employee assessment); career management and career adjustments; assessing and promoting work performance in different contexts; personality and intelligence in careers; and the scientist-practitioner gap in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. The section aims to advance the research areas of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior at JLU and strengthen JLU’s national and international visibility in these fields to make JLU even more attractive to young researchers. The section strives to involve both senior and early-career researchers in all academic disciplines concerned with the human being in an organizational context and/or organizational structures.
Section Head
The OB & HRM Section is lead by the following team: Dr. Katja Wehrle, Dr. Sascha Abdel Hadi, Martina Günther, Dr. Marco C. Ziegler.
Responsible for this website is Marco C. Ziegler.
Budgetholder: Section Head
Current Events
On 27.02.2025, we welcome Prof. Jo Akkerman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) talking about "Can everyone craft a sustainable career?". Time/location: tba.
As a result of a rapidly changing world of work characterized by many challenges and uncertainties, research on sustainable careers has started to flourish in recent years. Career sustainability is about finding ways to renew resources instead of depleting them, characterized by finding a balance between happiness, health, and productivity over time. Researchers in the area of careers and vocational behavior have offered valuable insights into how people can safeguard their career sustainability, for example, through career competencies development and career crafting. Yet, how “craftable” are sustainable careers? Are they feasible for everyone? And what about the role of sudden disruptions – career shocks – in people’s work and careers? In this research talk, Jos Akkermans will provide an overview of the state-of-the-art of research on sustainable careers, highlighting conceptualizations, empirical work, and directions for future research.
Jos Akkermans is a Full Professor of Sustainable Careers at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His research mainly focuses on career sustainability and career success. Within these areas, he studies topics such as career shocks, career transitions, and employability. He also has a special interest in studying nontraditional and understudied workers, such as gig workers and entrepreneurs. He is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Vocational Behavior and a Past Division Chair of the Academy of Management Careers Division. Jos has published his research in leading scholarly journals, such as the Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Human Resource Management. He was also awarded an Academy of Management Careers Division Mid-Career Scholarship award.