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Application for Admission to JLU

The application process for admission to JLU for international students varies according to the student's country of origin, level of prior academic achievement, and degree course objective.

Before submitting your application for admission, please make sure you have familiarised yourself with

You can find a summary of information on requirements for studying, application and German courses here.

Application for...

Students in front of a lecture hall

Courses leading to a non-doctoral degree (Bachelor's; Master's; State Exam) 


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A group of students

A higher semester of study



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Two women talking

Double-Degree Master's programmes

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A dictionary. The German term for doctoral studies is highlighted.

Doctoral Programmes



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Students in a hall

Exchange students and free movers

The logo of the VIP Programme.

Virtual International Programme (VIP)


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Images ©
1. JLU/Jessica Reuther
2. JLU/Katrina Friese
JLU/Ben Kahl

5. JLU/Rolf Wegst
6. freepik