Information for the Start of Your Studies
Introductory Weeks for Bachelor's and State Examination Programmes (StEW): 14. - 17.04.2025
Introductory Days for Master's Degree Programmes (StET): 16. + 17.04.2025

To be able to study or complete a doctorate in Germany, you need a valid visa for study purposes or a visa for study applicants. Find out more about the necessary steps here.

Necessary Visits to the Authorities
Before you enter Germany and shortly after your arrival in Giessen, you will have to deal with a number of official procedures. Therefore, you should start preparing for your study stay in good time.
Costs and Financing
Currently, you have to expect costs of about 950 € per month in Germany. You can find more information about the costs and financing options here.

Where to Live in Giessen
Please ensure that you find accommodation in Giessen as early as possible. You can find more information and tips on finding accommodation here.
JLU ID Card / Semesterticket
Once you have enrolled at JLU, you will receive your student ID card.

Language Courses
The International Office offers German courses at all levels. You can also learn various other foreign languages at JLU.

Information for Students in English-Taught Master Programmes
Here you can find all important contacts and websites for your course of study!

The International Office offers many different workshops, information events and cultural events (digital and face-to-face) during your studies. You can find the dates in the International Calendar.

International Student Support Services
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 12143/-12174
Application, admission and enrolment of international students
Phone: +49 (0)641 99 16400 (Hotline Call Justus)
All pictures:, JLU ID card: JLU/Sarah Strüßmann