Retreat to the Silbersee, 2022
The retreat to the "Ferienpark Silbersee" in November 2022 was a great occasion for scientific discussions - and great fun.
Talks and a poster session allowed old and new members of the RTG to get an overview over the others' research projects and to get feedback on one's own. Furthermore, Katja Sträßer, then speaker-to-be of the RTG, gave an outlook on the second funding period starting only a few weeks later in January 2023. Regarding not-so-scientific aspects, the sun came out on the second day, making for a perfect scenery for the walk around the lake, and joint efforts were boosted by the evening's pub quiz.
Thanks a lot to Matthias Miosga and Philip Fleischhauer and the rest of the organizing committee for making this retreat such a success!