News 2024
iFZ Masters Award
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Gala Gottschalg zum iFZ Masters Award! In ihrer Masterarbeit analysierte sie Pilzbestandteile auf potentiell schädliche Stoffwechselprodukte im Vergleich zu den Nebenströmen. Mittels Hochleistungs-Dünnschichtchromatographie und planaren Bioassays untersuchte sie die Proben auf antibakterielle, endokrine, neurotoxische/-modulierende und genotoxische Wirkungen, wobei der Fruchtkörper die geringsten Konzentrationen an potentiell schädlichen Stoffwechselprodukten aufwies.
Nebenströme aus der Lebensmittelproduktion müssen häufig entsorgt werden. Alternativ können sie essbaren Pilzen als Nährstoffquelle dienen. Die ernährungsphysiologisch optimale Verwertung zu finden und Gefährdungen auszuschließen, das ist eine der vielen Aufgaben der Lebensmittelwissenschaften der JLU Gießen. Innovative Produkte und unübliche Herstellungsverfahren sollten stets mit einer wirkungsbezogenen, ungerichteten Analytik abgesichert werden, denn potentiell schädliche Stoffwechselprodukte sind nicht vorhersagbar.
Der Pilz Pleurotus pulmonarius, der Sommeraustern-Seitling, kann auf einer Mischung der Nebenströme Biertreber und Kartoffelpülpe kultiviert werden. Verschiedene Pilzbestandteile (Fruchtkörper, Pilzfäden) sind potentiell verzehrbar. Dies erforscht Bastian Loderhose in seinem von der RAPS-Stiftung geförderten Promotionsvorhaben.
Dank an das Vegabekommittee des Interdisziplinären Forschungszentrums für biowissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Umweltsicherung (iFZ), eine Infrastruktureinrichtung der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.
We work on the change towards sustainability!
Our works were mentioned in the Justus Liebig University Giessen Sustainability Report:
The Center for Sustainable Food Systems at Justus Liebig University Giessen also reported on the 2LabsToGo:
Highlights at HPTLC 2024
The scientific experts in HPTLC met to exchange knowledge. Dr. Agnes Moricz and her team successfully organized the international HPTLC 2024 symposium in the heart of Budapest. Congratulations to them!
Poster prize: Doctorial student Kevin Jakob presented our 2LabsToGo poster and also showed the sustainable 2LabsToGo in operation.
We are thankful to have obtained one of the highly competitive second poster prizes! Further five posters on our latest research were excellently presented by doctorial students but competition was strong!
Doctorial student Stefan Roling contributed with a very good presentation on a new enzyme assay - you made it!
Sustainability is key!
The most sustainable lab of the future: 20 more 2LabsToGo in the orbit!
Five long working days to build it, then test its full operation (operational qualification) and finally use it for two different planar bioassay applications! A heartfelt compliment to all participants and their discipline!
"The future depends on what you do today." (M. Gandhi) => You made it!
See the video of the lab day, on which each participant got the proof that his/her self-built 2LabsToGo was functioning, supporting self-empowerment!
Erasmus cooperation with University of Modena
Organized by Professor Federica Pellati, Italian pharmacy students join our group to learn more about effect-directed analysis. As the seventh student, Gabriela Mazilu joined our team for 6 months. It was a pleasure!
Ten excursions to industries
Related to our three quality management modules, we visited Ferrero, Döhler, Novonesis, Licher brewery and LHL Persishable-Center Frankfurt Airport.
2LabsToGo - the most sustainable lab of the future
Thanks for the kind advertisement!
International Symposium on HPTLC 2024
Every two years the International Scientific Committee on HPTLC organizes the International Symposium on HPTLC:
Join the HPTLC 2024 to learn more and meet the worldwide HPTLC experts.
Built your open-source 2LabsToGo system 2.-7.09.2024
The latest system (we will publish soon) has an integrated autosampler, a nebulizer, mini-incubator, UV/Vis/FLD/bioluminescence detection including reflectance and backlight illumination and many further improvements. In advance, we will order (latest bill of materials, payment by installments possible upon request) and 3D print all parts for you. This means you can directly start at the workshop to mount yourself your system, whereby we will guide you. Some reading: Non-target screening of complex samples for hazards.
See also the interview video on 2LabsToGo at Analytica 2024 by Alasdair Matheson of LCGC International, recorded by Caroline Hroncich.
Registration as soon as possible (limited to 20 scientists) register here Order Details
Schedule 2LabsToGo (1 h lunch break each; coffee at any time in between):
- MON 13:00-19:00 Assembly day 1
- TUE 08:00-18:30 Assembly day 2
- Wed 08:00-18:30 Assembly day 3
- THU 08:00-18:30 Finalization and operational qualification
- FRI 08:00-18:30 Applications: HPTLC-UV/Vis/FLD analysis of complex samples detected with planar Aliivibrio fischeri and pSOS-Umu-C-Vis/FLD
- SAT 08:00-13:00 Trouble shooting information for self-empowerment to be autarc
The miniaturised open-source 2LabsToGo system combines the functions of devices in two fully equipped laboratories: it covers all steps of high-performance thin-layer chromatography (chromatography laboratory) and planar bioassay detection (biological assay laboratory). The 2LabsToGo is an open-source all-in-one system that is compact (35 cm x 45 cm x 35 cm) and portable (8 kg). In addition, the system can be optionally equipped with solar panels. This means that the 2LabsToGo can also be used in the field to analyse complex samples. As the Lean Lab of the Future, it has a smaller ecological footprint in terms of material consumption, lower power consumption and significantly lower investment costs compared to two fully equipped laboratories. The do-it-yourself 2LabsToGo (3600 Euro material prize) was developed by us over the last decade. Funding of one PhD position was thankfully obtained via the Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr grant E/U2AD/KA018/IF565 to be used in the container laboratory for food control missions abroad. The non-target biological detection is very helpful to detect any detrimental effects. This latest system is meant to be spread around the world. It also meant for self-empowerment.
Remark: Over two years (2011-2012), I asked (begged) many times the manufacturers of HPTLC devices to get involved in this project and collaborate to develop a low-cost small-scale system, but they refused and replied that I could do it myself. Alone it was the very hard way. It was most difficult to find persons with skills for coding or system engineers. In Germany, such skills are not available on the free market. With huge effort some M.Sc. students were willing, but contributed only 1.3 years on average in this project (poaching market). After the onboarding process, there were only a few months left to make real contributions to the project. To obtain funding was also challenging. We are very grateful that we have persevered under these circumstances. Now it is time to spread the latest system (which fulfills all needs) around the world.
Join the Curious 2024 to touch the sustainable 2LabsToGo system
The poster presentation with life demonstration was sucessfull with many interesting talks! Thanks for your interest!
Future Labs Live: the sustainable 2LabsToGo system was fastest to be installed
Meeting of environmental working groups
Fewer emissions means less pollution and less exposure!
Erasmus student stay
Welcome to Gabriela Mazilu from Italy (marked) who is joining our research group for 6 months!
Surprise! Ranks in Chromatography
Listed among the 0.003% (world position #8) highly Ranked Scholars™ in Chromatography.
2LabsToGo at Analytica
- 1,066 exhibitors from 42 countries, around 34,000 visitors from 117 countries
- New record number of participants at the analytica conference in Munich, 9-12 April 2024
- In focus: digitalization and sustainability in the laboratory of the future
Full days at Analytica2024: Three times a day the 1-h Live Lab presentation/moderation (0:26) and an oral presentation every day (Forum, Conference, DGF), a poster presentation and two interviews. Happily, I met my former guest researcher Hanna Nikolaichuk. I asked her if she could present the 2LabsToGo at the Live Lab during my two parallel morning lectures. Of the 12 Live Lab presentations, your two presentations were definitely the coolest! Many, many thanks to Hanna!!!
See also the interview video on 2LabsToGo at Analytica 2024 by Alasdair Matheson of LCGC International, recorded by Caroline Hroncich.
And a short video about Analytica 2024:
Great interest in our research
I got a call from Guido Deußing saying proudly Thank you because his interview with me in the journal Laborpraxis attracted the most interest by far in 2023 and has done so for years: Genotoxische Verbindungen sicher und effizient in Nahrungsmitteln bestimmen - Gesund ungesund: Erbgutschädigende Pflanzenöle?, Laborpraxis 7-8 (2023) 48-51
Interview on plant oils
Interview mit Teresa Arrieta (1 h) am 13.2.2024, digital: Gefahr in Pflanzenölen: Warum deine Gesundheit schweren Schaden nehmen kann (Titel wurde nicht von mir so formuliert), Cholesterin Kongress, 9.-18.02.2024, Medumio Gesundheitsakademie
Presentations of doctorial research work
Erfolgreich wurde unsere Forschung auf dem 34. Doktorandenseminar des Arbeitskreises Separation Science vom 8.-10.01.2024 in Hohenroda, Hessen vertreten. Isabel Müller präsentierte "On-surface Untersuchung der Verdauung von Kohlenhydraten und Fetten unter Verwendung von Mund- und Darmenzymen" und Max Haumann "Genotox-Screening von MOSH/MOAH in Schokolade". Sie haben es beide sehr souverän gemeistert - Gratulation!
Selected as journal front cover
Thank you for the honor to select our graphical abstract figure as journal front cover (click on cover to increase it)!
Cover image: Tomato products were screened with a ten-dimensional hyphenation with integrated simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Non-digested and digested samples were compared side by side. In their effect-directed profiles, 14 bioactive compounds from classes of lipids, plant hormones, spices, and pesticides were identified. The innovative hyphenation allowed for a non-target proactive food safety analysis. (From: Schreiner, T., Eggerstorfer, N.M. & Morlock, G.E. Towards non-target proactive food safety: identification of active compounds in convenience tomato products by ten-dimensional hyphenation with integrated simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Anal Bioanal Chem (2023).
Interview on food
Interview mit Barbara Berner über Bürgerrat Ernährung, ARD, hr, mex. das marktmagazin, 10.01.2024 (18:40-19:00 und 19:20-19:50)