Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Discussing and Communicating in Seminars at German Universities

Workshop for international students


23.11.2023 von 14:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Goethestr. 55, Raum 004

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Discussing and Communicating in Seminars at German Universities

Thursday, 23 November, 2pm – 6pm

In Germany, discussions are an important part of almost every seminar. Discussions are supposed to help the students to understand different aspects of subject matters of the field of studies. Especially in the humanities and fine arts, discussions and exchanging arguments are often used in class to understand a topic in detail.
If you are not used to this form of teaching, this might be confusing and it will be difficult for you to participate in the discussions.

This workshop has been designed to help you to master this task.
We will concentrate on:
- How to ask questions,
- how to approach discussions in class,
- how to build statements and structure arguments,
- and how to communicate appropriately to become an active member of your seminar.

We will be learning this by working on exercises to improve your rhetorical skills and use “mock discussions” to help you to practice these skills.
You will be getting feedback by your fellow students and the lecturer – and might even start to enjoy learning by discussing!

Elisabeth Sommerhoff studied Drama and Literature at the University Gießen, in Vienna (Austria) and at Yale University (USA). She spent five years teaching at the University of Birmingham (Great Britain). She taught voice training, speech and Rhetoric at the Universities in Gießen and Marburg.
Currently she is working at the University of Regensburg in the field of Intercultural Rhetoric Competence.

Please register via Stud.IP.