Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Volunteering as a stepping stone for scholarships and career entry

Workshop for international students


21.11.2023 von 16:00 bis 18:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


Goethestr. 58, Raum 201

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Volunteering as a stepping stone for scholarships and career entry

Dienstag, 21.11., 16-18 Uhr im Erwin-Stein-Gebäude (Goethestraße 58, 35390 Gießen) in Raum 201

In this workshop, students will learn about the importance of engagement and volunteer work for a successful career entry, as well as for society and their universities. Participants will discuss facilitating and hindering factors as well as best practice approaches and actively go in search of engagement opportunities during the workshop. Also the role of volunteer activities for a successful scholarship application will be presented. Guidance is also provided on which scholarship opportunities are specifically designed for international students.

Debora Schöbel is a coordinator for the study-accompanying programme „STUBE Hessen“ at the World University Service. STUBE Hessen is aimed at students from Africa, Asia and Latin America and offers seminars and academies on development-oriented issues.

Please register via Stud.IP.