Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Student's Guide: Getting Ready for Exams

JustInternational: The Ultimate Get-Together


22.01.2025 von 19:30 bis 20:30 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)



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Efficiently preparing for an exam can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule. However, the exam period starts in less than one month, which is why we want to give you an overview of what you need to know about this part of your studies and share some tips for you to get through the exam period successfully.

Feel free to join us online, whether you are a freshman taking an exam for the first time, or an advanced student but still stress out as the lecture period comes to an end. 

Topics will include:

  • Exam preparation: tips from students for students
  • What happens on exam day?
  • After the exams

Further topic related questions are welcome.

Meeting link:
Join by phone:
Access code:

742 978 471 


This event is organised by student assistants of the International Office. No software installation or registration is required.

The JustInternational series is sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds provided by the Federal Foreign Office. Further information on the JustInternational series and the current programme:

Contact details for international students: studium-international
Contact details for international doctoral students: