Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Study Programme for Guest Students

Study Programme for Guest Students

JLU offers a wide range of subjects and classes to the general public. A study programme for guest students gives you the opportunity to attend a selection of classes. Most classes are of an introductory nature, requiring little background knowledge. At the same time, there are advanced classes not explicitly listed in the schedule which may be made available to guest students if the instructor grants permission. You are welcome to consult the full details of the complete schedule of courses prior to the beginning of a semester in the official online course catalogue:

Please note there is currently no printed guest student catalogue available. However, you can find information online in the JLU electronic course catalogue and register as a guest student (registration form) at any time. You can find the courses here. Information on the procedure can also be found in the guest student catalogue from winter semester. 

How to apply to be a Guest Student

You may become a guest student regardless of your educational background. To register, please fill in the application form and pay the registration fee in advance.

Note: Exemption from the fee is possible if proof is given of receipt of benefits according to the Asylum-Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) or of basic welfare payments according to Social Security Code II (SGB II, Hartz IV) or if other appropriate and documented reasons can be presented.

Registration Date

Please register by 1st October for the winter semester and by 1st April for the summer semester.
The teaching period for the summer semester begins on 11th April 2016.

Registration Form for Guest Students

Alternatively, the form is available at the Studierendensekretariat (Student Registration Office), Goethestr. 58.
•    Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday
8.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. and
1.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
8.30 a.m. to 12 noon
or on request by phone 0641/99-16400


In accordance with § 5 Para. 1 of the Satzung der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen für Gasthörerinnen und Gasthörer vom 16. Juni 2004 (Statutes of Justus Liebig University, Giessen, for Guest Students of 16th June 2004), the guest student fee for booking the first class is € 100, every subsequent class is € 50 each, but the total charge may be no higher than € 500 per semester.

Please transfer the amount when you apply for registration. State “Guest student: Your family name, given name(s), date of birth”. Please use the following bank account:

Universitaet Giessen

Hessische Landesbank

Konto (Account): 1006428

BLZ (Bank sort code): 500 500 00

IBAN: DE94500500000001006428




Once the Student Registration Office has received your registration form and proof of payment, you will receive written confirmation of your admission as a guest student.

Information and Advice

If you require more information about the guest student programme, please contact:

Stabsabteilung Studium, Lehre, Weiterbildung, Qualitätssicherung
(Staff Division for Studying, Teaching, Further Qualifications, Quality Assurance)
Ludwigstrasse 23, 35390 Giessen
Tel. 0641 99-12124 (Mr. Ben Kahl / 99-12121 (Secretary)