Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

HeFDI Winter Code School 2023

Zweite Auflage der HeFDI Code School, die Workshops sind alle in englischer Sprache


27.10.2023 von 09:00 bis 13:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Online per Videokonferenz, Anmeldung unter

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Due to the very positive feedback, we at HeFDI, together with our colleagues from SureSoft from Braunschweig and NFDI4Ing, are offering the second free HeFDI Code School on "Sustainable Research Software" this winter, consisting of four hands-on workshops.

The goal of the HeFDI Code School is to help you write good scientific software and increase the quality of your code for better reusability and sustainability. The target group of the HeFDI Code School are researchers who already have some experience in coding and are often confronted with writing their own scripts or tools in their research context.

The workshops will all take place online on the following Fridays from 9am to 1pm with the following topics:

27.10.2023: Scientific Software Development is not a Jenga game!
10.11.2023: Clean Code and Refactoring
24.11.2023: Introduction to Software Testing
08.12.2023: Continuous Integration and Test Driven Development

Do you want to improve your coding skills? Registration and further information about the second round of the HeFDI Code School, can be found here: