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Prof. Dr. Helga Finter

Helga Finter

Helga Finter was from 1991 to 2011 full professor of theatre esthetics and history at the Institut für Angewandte Theaterwissenschaft (Institute for Applied Theatre Studies) at the University of Giessen (Germany). She has widely published on subject, body and space construction, voice and media in avantgarde theater and performance. She is the author of  books on Italian Futurist poetry  (Semiotik des Avantgardetextes, Stuttgart 1980), on the politics of subjective space  in the theatre utopias of Mallarmé, Jarry, Roussel and Artaud (Der subjektive Raum, 2 vol., Tübingen 1990 ; El espacio subjectivo, Buenos Aires 2006)), and on the esthetics of voice in text, theater and medias (Le corps de l’audible. Écrits français sur la voix,  2014 and Die soufflierte Stimme: Text, Theater Medien, 2014). She co-edited studies on Georges Bataille (Bataille lesen. Die Schrift und das Unmögliche, Munich 1992) and on contemporary theatre (Grenzgänge,Tübingen 1998). She also curated the critic edition of two books of  Alfred Jarry in the Bouquin-edition of his Oeuvres, 2004. Recent books she directed are an edition of essays on esthetics and politics of images after 9/11 (Das Reale und die (neuen) Bilder 2008) and one on the impact of resurrection on theatre and arts (Medien der Auferstehung 2012). Her actually research focuses besides the esthetics of voice and technology, on the theory of representation since Italian Renaissance Theatre.


She is member of the scientific board of several international reviews (New Theatre Quarterly, Études Théâtrales, Biblioteca Teatrale, Culture Teatrali)  She directs,  (since 2012 with Gerald Sigmund) the book collection theaomai. Studien zu den performativen Künsten at the publisher Peter Lang (PLacademic).



