Online Form - GGS Section Funds for 2025

The deadline for funding applications for your working group or section in 2025 is December 15, 2024.
--> This form will become unavailable as of December 16, 2024, midnight.

This online form enables you to apply for funding for your section or working group in accordance with the "Guidelines for financial support of the GGS sections". You have the choice of choosing only the basic funding, which enables you to fulfil the basic requirements of sections, or applying for additional funding for further academic events and projects in addition to the basic funding.

In addition to selecting the type of funding and possibly sending an application form, we ask you to send us the updated list of members, which is part of every application (basic or additional funding).

Any activities that you successfully hand in for funding during this application run have to be documented in an accountability report. Please note that activities need to be listed in the accountability report of the year during which they take place. The report is designed to provide a transparent overview of the implementation of your (planned and approved) section activities and serve as a reference for the allocation of funding in the following year.

Thank you very much for your contribution and commitment to the GGS - we are forward to continued cooperation with you!

Please take note of the guidelines on financial support for GGS sections (see link above).
Please use the accountability report form provided by the GGS (see link above). *** Please note that the report must not exceed 2 A4 pages.
Please use the template for the list of members provided by the GGS (see link above).
Please use the application form provided by the GGS (see link above).