17.01.2024 |
11.01.2024 |
12.05.2021 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman (Professor für Politikwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Osteuropa und Russland - Frei Universität Berlin): Authoritarian Regionalism and Its Implications: From Autocracy Promotion to Global Governance
08.07.2020 |
Dirk Wiese (MP German Bundestag; SPD): Demokratie im postsowjetischen Raum – eine Bilanz 30 Jahre nach der Charta von Paris
30.06.2020 |
Prof. Dr. Britta Weiffen (DAAD-Martius chair Universidade de Sao Paolo): Democracy in Latin America: from consolidation to crisis
16.06.2020 | Ilyas Saliba (WZB, Berlin): The Arab Uprisings and the resilience of authoritarianism in the MENA-Region: Egypt and Morocco after 2011. |
02.12.2019 | Dr. Steven Klein (University of Florida): Making a democratic welfare state (
“It is about the dilemmas and possibilities that the social welfare state presents to political movements aspiring to enact democratic transformations By democratic transformations, I mean a mode of politics that brings critical scrutiny upon previously unchallenged and rigid forms of domination and that thereby seeks to change, not just the distribution of material goods or the electoral fortunes of a particular party, but the basic structure of social relationships. As a confrontation between the first modern, nation wide social welfare institutions and a movement seeking such democratic transformations, the confrontation between Bismarck and the SPD distils the questions I address: Can democratic political movements use social welfare institutions to achieve lasting change in society? Or will participation in hierarchical state structures inevitably dissipate the transformative aspirations of such movements?” |
21.10.2019 | |
02.07.2019 |
The project partners of DFG funded project "Domestic preferences and EU Cooperation - Explaining Foreign Policies in UKraine, Georgia and Moldova. A Two-Level-Game Analysis" participated in a workshop under the supervision of Prof. Rainer Schweickert (Uni Kiel). |
25.06.2019 |
2nd GGS Section Colloquium 2019
11/12/2019 | |
16/17 May 2018 |
Colloquium of the the section International Security and Statehood as well as an inspiring talk by Tatiana Kyselova "Track III Dialogues in Ukraine: Conflict Transformation without Conflict Resolution?"
Speech by Prof. Dr. Simon Korschut (FU Berlin) "Emotional Security Communitiies: The Case of NATO" |
11. bis 12. Oktober 2016 |
Workshop: Image studies and perceptions analysis of international actors: Theoretical and methodological reflections.
20. Juni 2016 |
06. Juni 2016 |
17. Februar 2016 | Kolloquium für Master-Studierende, Doktorand_innen & PostDocs in Zusammenarbeit mit der AG „Normen und Wandel in der Weltpolitik" zur Präsentation (engl. od. deutsch) von Qualifikationsarbeiten und Forschungsprojekten an. Hier geht es zum Programm. |
04. Februar 2016 | |
04.12.2015 | |
23. Juni 2015 | |
16. Juni 2015 |