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Current Research Activities

Current Research Activities

JLU sees itself as a medium-sized, differentiated, comprehensive university with a clear commitment to its subject-specific breadth and profile development in individual excellent - also application-oriented - research areas and to the dynamic development and occupation of emerging fields. JLU's third-party funding strength is based on a large number of individual research projects as well as on a wide variety of large collaborative research projects, which are often carried out in cooperation with strong regional, national and international partners. These coordinated projects are also proof of JLU's excellent networking. The following is a selection of the variety of JLU projects.

Collaborative Research       Selected Individual Research


Excellence Strategy

With its long-term profile development, JLU was successful in both rounds of the Excellence Initiative of the federal and state governments: Since 2006, the "International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture" (GCSC) and the "Excellence Cluster Cardio-Pulmonary System" (ECCPS; co-spokesperson university: Goethe University Frankfurt) have been funded in two funding rounds. In 2018, JLU was able to position itself as the most successful Hessian university in the Excellence Strategy of the federal and state governments. For example, it is the university managing funds for the "Cardio-Pulmonary Institute" (CPI) Cluster of Excellence, which is run jointly with Goethe University Frankfurt, as well as a participating institution in the "POLiS - Post Lithium Storage" Cluster of Excellence at Ulm University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Following the DFG's call for full proposals in February 2024, JLU is also entering the next round of the Excellence Strategy of the German federal and state governments with the new cluster proposal "The Adaptive Mind" (TAM).



Research News (press releases)


Bildquellen: Titelbild, Foto "CPI": Franz E. Möller; Foto "POLIS": Ralf Niggemann